- (with G. PEARLSTEIN and W. NIJGH for Appendix c) A remarkable class of elliptic surfaces of amplitude $1$ in weighted projective space, Science China Mathematics (2024).
- (with G. PEARLSTEIN) Deformations and Rigidity for mixed period maps, Algebraic Geometry 11-(5) (2024) 620–675. For the published version see https://api.algebraicgeometry.nl/Article/20654/2024-5-019.pdf
- A note on the primitive cohomology lattice of a projective surface, Pure and Applied Math. Q. (2022).
- On complex surfaces with definite intersection form, New York Journal of Maths 27 (2021), 840 - 847.
- On the maximal number of du Val singularities for a K3 surface, Geometriae Dedicata 214 (2021), 383 - 388.
- (with H. STERK) Complete intersections of quadrics and complete intersections on Segre varieties with common specializations, Dokumenta Math. 26 (2021) 439-464.
- A motivic study of generalized Burniat surfaces, Abhandlungen Math. Sem. Hamburg (2018).
- On a motivic interpretation of primitive, variable and fixed cohomology, Math. Nachrichten (2018).
- (with R. LATERVEER and J. NAGEL) On complete intersection varieties with finite dimensional motive, Quarterly J. Math (2018).
- (with H. STERK) On K3 double planes covering Enriques surfaces, Math. Ann. (2018)
- (with G. PEARLSTEIN) Differential of the mixed Hodge metric, Communications in Analysis and Geometry (2018).
- Rigidity of spreadings and fields of definition. EMS Surv. Math. Sci. 4 77–100, (2017).
- On rigidity of locally symmetric spaces. Münster J. of Math. J. 10 277–286 , (2017).
- (with G. LOMBARDO and M. SCHÜTT): Abelian Fourfolds of Weil type and certain K3 Double Planes. Rendiconti sem. Mat. de l'Univ. e Polit. Torino 71 (2013) 339-384.
- (with V. SRINIVAS and S. MÜLLER-STACH) Abelian varieties and theta functions as invariants for compact Riemannian manifolds; constructions inspired by superstring theory. Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 97 (2012) (pdf); see also the video presentation on the occasion of Alberto Contes 70th birthday.
- (with Morihiko SAITO) Lowest Weights in Cohomology of Variations of Hodge Structure. Nagoya Math. J. 206 (2012), 1-24. Here for the complete version and here arxiv:0708.0130v2 for a first version.
- Bloch-type conjectures and an example of a threefold of general type . Contemporary Mathematics 12 (2010) 587-605.
- (with F. GALLUZZI et G. LOMBARDO) Automorphs of indefinite binary quadratic forms and K3-surfaces with Picard number 2. Rendiconti Mat. Torino, 68 (2010) 57-77, preprint ArXiv mathAG/0804.0725
- (with J. STEENBRINK) Hodge Theory: the search for purity, in Proceedings of the Trieste Singularity Summer School and Workshop ICTP, Trieste, Italy 15 August - 3 September 2005, edited by Jean-Paul Brasselet, World Scientific, Singapore etc., 556--583 (2007).
- (with J. STEENBRINK) Hodge Number Polynomials for Nearby and Vanishing Cohomology, pp. 597-611 (2006) in Algebraic Cycles and Motives. Also as preprint available.
- (with J. STEENBRINK) Monodromy of variations of Hodge structure, Acta Applicanda Math. 75 (2003) 183-194.
- (with J. STEENBRINK) Degeneration the Leray spectral sequence for certain geometric quotients math. AG/0112093 Moscou Math. Journal 3 (2003) 1-11.
- Lawson homology for varieties with small Chow groups and the induced filtration of the Griffiths group, Math. Zeitschrift 234 (2000) 209-223 (pdf)
- (with U. PERSSON, X, GIAO), Geography of Spin surfaces, Topology 35 (1996) 845--862. (publised version)
- (with U. PERSSON) Some aspects of the topology of algebraic surfaces. In: Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings (IMCP) AMS (1995).
- (with U. PERSSON) Homeomorphic non-diffeomorphic surfaces with small invariants. Manuscripta Math. 79 (1993) 173-182.
- (with J. TOP, M. van der VLUGT) The Hasse zeta function of a K3 surface related to the number of words of weight 5 in the Melas codes. J. reine angew. Math. 432 (1992) 151-176.
- Maximal rank non-rigid variations of Hodge structure of weight one and two, in Complex algebraic varieties. Proc. Bayreuth 1990, Springer Lecture Notes 1507, 157-162, Berlin etc., Springer Verlag (1992).
- Rigidity for variations of Hodge structure and Arakelov-type finiteness theorems, Comp. Math. 75, 113--126 (1990).
- (with J. STIENSTRA) A pencil of K3-surfaces related to Apéry's recurrence for ζ(3) and Fermi surfaces for potential zero. Arithmetic of Complex Manifolds, Proc. Erlangen 1988, Springer Lect. Notes Math. 1399, pp. 110-127, 1989.
- Some remarks on Reider's article "On the infinitesimal Torelli theorem for certain irregular surfaces", Math. Ann. 281, 315--324 (1988).
- On Arakelov's finiteness theorem for higher dimensional varieties. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino, 1986.
- Monodromy and Picard-Fuchs equations for families of K3-surfaces and elliptic curves, Ann. ENS. 19 (1986) 583--607.
- Some applications of the Lefschetz fixed point theorems in (complex) algebraic geometry, in The Lefschetz Centennial Conference, I: Proc. Alg. geometry, Cont. Math. 58 (part 1) (1985) AMS, Providence, R.I., p.213--221.
- A criterion for flatness of Hodge bundles over curves and geometric applications, Math. Ann. 268 (1984) 1-19.
- (with F. BEUKERS) A family of K3-surfaces and ζ(3), J. für reine u. angew. Math. 351 (1984) 42-54.
- (with W. BARTH) Automorphisms of Enriques surfaces, Inv. Math. 73 (1983) 383-411.
- (with F. OORT) A Campedelli surface with torsion group Z/ 2Z , Indag. Math. 3 (1981) 399-407.
- (with E. LOOIJENGA) Torelli theorems of Kähler K3-surfaces, Comp. Math. 42 (1981) 145-186.
- On automorphisms of compact Kähler surfaces, in Journées de géométrie algébrique d'Angers (juillet 1979) Sijthoff-Noordhoff (1980) 249-267.
- Holomorphic automorphisms of compact Kähler surfaces and their induced actions in cohomology, Inv. Math. 52 (1979) 143-148.
- (with D. LIEBERMAN, R. WILSKER) A theorem of local Torelli-type, Math. Ann. 231 (1977) 39-45.
- On certain examples of surfaces with pg =0 due to Burniat, Nagoya Math. J., 66 (1977) 109-119.
- On two types of surfaces with vanishing geometric genus, Inv. Math. 32 (1976) 33--47.
- (with J. SIMONIS) A secant formula, Quart. J. math. 27 (1976) 182--189.
- The local Torelli theorem II, Cyclic branched coverings, Ann. Sc. Norm. Pisa, Cl. Sc. Ser IV, II (1976) 321-339.
- The local Torelli theorem I, Complete intersections, Math. Ann 217 (1974), 1-16.
Other articles in (refereed) journals or (refereed) conference proceedings: