Packing problems have a long history in geometry. The subject
of ball-packings in symplectic geometry was initiated in Gromov's
seminal 1985 paper, where it was shown there is much more rigidity than
simply volume constraints to symplectic packings coming from the
presence of pseudo-holomorphic curves. The field has greatly developed
since then, and the problem of symplectically packing k symplectic balls
into a larger one has been solved in dimension four, i.e. there is now a
combinatorial criteria of when this is possible. However, not much is
known about symplectic packing problems in higher dimensions, partly due
to the absence of powerful gauge theoretic tools in higher dimensions.
We take a step in this direction in dimension six, by considering a
“stabilized” packing problem, i.e. we consider symplectically packing a
disjoint union of four dimensional balls times a closed Riemann surface
into a bigger ball times the same Riemann surface. We show this is
possible if and only if the corresponding four dimensional ball packing
is possible. The proof is a mixture of geometric constructions,
pseudo-holomorphic curves, and h-principles. This is based on joint work
with Kyler Siegel.
Yuan Yao
Symplectic packings in higher dimensions.
Vendredi, 19 Janvier, 2024 - 10:30
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