In preparation |
Exponents for irregular differential modules: a tannakian approach to the theory
of exponents. With Marco D'Addezio, Christopher Lazda and Ambrus Pál. (see my talk at Padova) |
Finiteness of compactly supported de Rham cohomology of non-archimedean differential equations on Berkovich curves, with an application to rigid local systems.
With Richard Crew. (See his talk at Padova) |
Finite monodromy and de Rham index of non-archimedean differential equations.
With Ambrus Pál. |
Index theorem and Riemann-Hurwitz formula for non-archimedean differential equations over Berkovich curves. |
Wild finite étale coverings of p-adic annuli.
With Amina T. Azzouz. |
Regular singular differential modules over differential rings. 34 pages. |
The convergence Newton polygon of a p-adic differential equation VI : Global Index theorems. 87 pages. With J.Poineau. | (file available on demand) |
The convergence Newton polygon of a p-adic differential equation V : Local Index theorems. 88 pages. With J.Poineau. | Arxiv |
The convergence Newton polygon of a p-adic differential equation IV : controlling graphs. 52 pages. With J.Poineau. | HAL |
The convergence Newton polygon of a p-adic differential equation III : Global decomposition. 103 pages. With J.Poineau. | HAL |
Banachoid Spaces With J.Poineau. 50 pages. | HAL |
Injective resolutions and acyclicity results for ultrametric locally convex vector spaces. 30 Pages. | (file available on demand) |
Radius of convergence of non archimedean power series. 50 Pages. | (file available on demand) |
Small connections are cyclic. 10 pages. |
Arxiv |
2024 |
An uncountable Mittag-Leffer condition with an application to ultrametric locally
convex vector spaces. Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux, Tome 35 (2024) no. 3, pp. 819-840. |
Arxiv |
2017 | Infinitesimal deformation of p-adic differential equations
on Berkovich curves. Math. Annalen. June 2017, Volume 368, Issue 1-2, pp 111-164. |
Arxiv |
2016 | Rank one p-adic
differential and q-difference equations over the Amice's
Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 665, (2016), p.260-287; ISBN: 978-1-4704-1988-2 |
2015 |
The convergence Newton polygon of a p-adic differential equation II : Continuity and finiteness on Berkovich curves (with J.Poineau).
Acta Mathematica 214 (2015), no. 2, 357-393. |
2015 |
The convergence Newton polygon of a p-adic differential equation I : Affinoid domains of the Berkovich affine line.
Acta Mathematica. 214 (2015), no. 2, 307-355. |
Arxiv |
2015 |
Continuity and finiteness of the radius of convergence of a
p-adic differential equation via potential theory
(with J.Poineau). Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal). Volume 2015, Issue 707, Pages 125-147. |
Arxiv |
2013 |
An algorithm computing non solvable spectral radii of a p-adic differential equation.
CRAS Vol. 351 - N. 5-6, p.167-171 - Mars 2013 |
Arxiv |
2011 | A basic introduction to deformation and confluence of ultrametric differential and
difference equations. Séminaires et Congrès 23 (2011), 331-366. (Notes of a talk at the ECOLE THEMATIQUE Théories galoisiennes et arithmétiques des équations différentielles, 21-25 september 2009, CIRM, Luminy, France.) |
2009 | Arithmetic and Differential Swan conductors of rank one representations with finite local monodromy. (with B.Chiarellotto)
American Journal of Mathematics , Vol.131, p.1743-1794, (2009). |
Arxiv |
2008 | p-Adic Confluence of q-Difference Equations, Compositio Mathematica, Vol.144, p.867-919, (2008). |
Arxiv |
2006 | Rank One Solvable p-adic Differential Equations and finite
Abelian Characters via Lubin-Tate Groups, Math. Annalen, Vol. 337, p.489-555, (2007) |
Arxiv Errata |
2005 | Frobenius structure for rank one $p-$adic differential
equations. Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 384, 11 pages, (2005); |
2014 |
Equations différentielles p-adiques. Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger des recherches. 142 pages, 11th December 2014. Publications de l'Université de Montpellier II. |
2006 | PhD Thesis, 210 pages, 14 June 2006. Here is the webpage of PhD theses of Jussieu |