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3.6.3  Saving a program

You can open up a program editor (see Section 12.1.1) with the menu item PrgNew program or with Alt-P. If you select this item, you will be prompted for information to fill out a template for a program and then be left in the program editor.

At the top of the program editor are menus and buttons, at the far right will be a Save button that you can press to save the program. The first time you save a program, you will be prompted for a file name; you should choose a name ending in .cxx. Once a program is saved, the file name will appear to the right of the Save button. If you want to save the program under a different name, you can use the ProgSave as item from the program editor menu.

To insert a previously saved program, you can use the ProgLoad item from the program editor menu.

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