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Finding linear recurrences : reverse_rsolve

reverse_rsolve takes as argument a vector v = [v0...v2n-1] made of the first 2n terms of a sequence (vn) which is supposed to verify a linear recurrence relation of degree smaller than n

xn*vn+k + ... + x0*vk = 0

where the xj are n + 1 unknowns.
reverse_rsolve returns the list x = [xn,..., x0] of the xj coefficients (if xn $ \neq$ 0 it is reduced to 1).

In other words reverse_rsolve solves the linear system of n equations :

xn*vn + ... + x0*v0 = 0  
xn*vn+k + ... + x0*vk = 0  
xn*v2*n-1 + ... + x0*vn-1 = 0  

The matrix A of the system has n rows and n + 1 columns :

A = [[v0,],[v1, v2,],...,[vn-1, vn...v2n-1]]

reverse_rsolve returns the list x = [xn,...x1, x0] with xn = 1 and x is the solution of the system A*$ \tt revlist$(x).


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giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse