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The integer Euclidean quotient : iquo intDiv

iquo (or intDiv) returns the integer quotient q of the Euclidean division of two integers a and b given as arguments. (a = b*q + r with 0 $ \leq$ r < b).
For Gaussian integers, we choose q so that b*q is as near by a as possible and it can be proved that r may be choosen so that | r|2 $ \leq$ | b|2/2.
Input :
Output :
iquo works with integers or with Gaussian integers.
Input :
iquo(factorial(148),factorial(145)+2 )
Output :
Input :
Output :
Here a - b*q = - 4 + i and | - 4 + i|2 = 17 < | 5 + 7*i|2/2 = 74/2 = 37

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse