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Multiplication in $ \mathbb {Z}$/p$ \mathbb {Z}$ or in $ \mathbb {Z}$/p$ \mathbb {Z}$[x] : *

* multiplies two integers in $ \mathbb {Z}$/p$ \mathbb {Z}$ or two polynomials in $ \mathbb {Z}$/p$ \mathbb {Z}$[x]. For polynomial expressions, use the normal command to simplify.
For integers in $ \mathbb {Z}$/p$ \mathbb {Z}$, input :
Output :
For polynomials with coefficients in $ \mathbb {Z}$/p$ \mathbb {Z}$, input :
normal((11*x+5)%13*(8*x+6 )% 13)
or also :
normal((11% 13*x+5%13)*(8% 13*x+6%13))
Output :

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse