suivant: Usual functions
monter: Context-dependant functions.
précédent: Operator *
Table des matières
Operator /
/ is an infixed function and '/'
is a prefixed function. The result depends of the nature of its arguments.
Examples with / :
- input [10,2,3]/[4,1], output invalid dim
- input [1,2]/[3,4] or '/'([1,2],[3,4]), output [1/3,1/2],
- input 1/[[1,2],[3,4]] or '/'(1,[[1,2],[3,4]], output
- input [[1,2],[3,4]]*1/ [[1,2],[3,4]], output [[1,0],[0,1]],
- input [[1,2],[3,4]]/ [[1,2],[3,4]], output [[1,1],[1,1]] (division term
by term),
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse