suivant: Operator /
monter: Context-dependant functions.
précédent: Operators + and -
Table des matières
Operator *
* is an infixed function and '*'
is a prefixed function. The result depends on the nature of its arguments.
Examples with * :
- input (1,2)*(3,4) or (1,2,3)*4=1*2*3*4 or '*'(1,2,3,4), output 24,
- input 1*i*2*3*i or '*'(1,i,2,3*i), output -6,
- input [10,2,3]*[4,1] or [10,2,3]*[4,1,0] or '+'([10,2,3],[4,1]),
output 42 (scalar product),
- input [1,2]*[3,4]='*'([1,2],[3,4]), output 11 (scalar product),
- input [[1,2],[3,4]]* [[1,2],[3,4]], output [[7,10],[15,22]],
- input [1,2,3]*4 or '*'([1,2,3],4), output [4,8,12],
- input [1,2,3]*(4,2) or '*'([1,2,3],4,2) or [1,2,3]*8, output [8,16,24],
- input (1,2)+i*(2,3) or 1+2+i*2*3, output 3+6*i.
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse