

Mon domaine de recherche est l'Analyse et la géométrie complexes.
Mots clés : Métriques invariantes, variétés (presque) complexes, courbes pseudoholomorphes, hyperbolicité au sens de Gromov


Organisation de manifestations scientifiques depuis 2020

- Co-organisateur de la conférence « AMS-SMF-EMS Joint International Meeting » du 18 au 22 juin 2022, Grenoble
- Co-organisateur de l’INdAM Workshop « Gromov hyperbolicity and negative curvature in Complex Analysis” du 6 au 12 septembre 2021, Cortona (Italie)
- Co-organisateur de la Conférence « Several Complex Variables : from CR to Metric Geometry » du 6 au 10 juin 2022 , Mahdia (Tunisie), reportée en raison de la pandémie


Encadrement de doctorants depuis 2013

- Co-encadrement de Marianne Peyron de septembre 2009 à juin 2013. Thèse soutenue le 20 juin 2013.
M.Peyron est actuellement professeure en classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles.
- Co-encadrement de la thèse de Abdelwahed Chrih, étudiant à Monastir, de septembre 2014 à juin 2017.
- Encadrement de la thèse de Sébastien Gontard de septembre 2015 à juin 2019. Thèse soutenue le 18 juin 2019.
S. Gontard est actuellement post-doctorant à l’université de Rome « Tor Vergata ».
- Co-encadrement de la thèse de Abdessami Jalled depuis septembre 2017. Thèse soutenue en 2020.
- Co-encadrement de la thèse de Houcine Guarmazi, étudiant à Monastir, depuis septembre 2018. Thèse soutenue en 2022.
- Co-encadrement de la thèse de Omar Bakkacha, depuis septembre 2022.
- Co-encadrement de la thèse de Zehao Sha, depuis septembre 2022.


Invitations d'universités étrangères depuis 2017 (séjours d'une semaine à 3 mois)

- Avril 2023 : University of Wisconsin, Madison, Prof. A. Zimmer
- Septembre 2021 : Univ. de Rome "Tor Vergata", Prof. F. Bracci
- Avril 2019 : University of Wuppertal, Allemagne, Prof. N. Shcherbina (Cours doctoral, 2 semaines)
- Février 2019 : Jagiellolian University, Cracovie (Pologne), Prof. W. Zwonek
- Novembre 2018-Janvier 2019 : Univ. Rome 2 (Italie), Prof. F.Bracci (Cours doctoral de 3 mois)
- Octobre 2018 : Universidad de Sevilla (Espagne), Prof. M. Contreras (1 mois)
- Juillet 2018 : Université de Monastir (Tunisie), Prof. F. Haggui
- Mars 2018 : Trinity College, Dublin (Irlande), Prof. D.Zaitsev
- Octobre 2017 : University of Brno (Rép. Tchèque), Prof. M Kollar
- Janvier 2017 : Center for Advanced Studies, Oslo (Norvège), Prof. E.Wold


Invitations en tant qu'orateur à des conférences internationales depuis 2017

- Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference, du 29 juillet au 2 août 2024, Daejeong, Corée du Sud
- The 4th Korea-France Conference in Mathematics, du 21 au 25 août 2023, Seoul, Corée du Sud
- International Conference Mathematics Days in Sofia, du 10 au 14 juillet 2023, Bulgarie
- 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians with European Mathematical Society, du 3 au 7 juillet 2023, Aarhus, Danemarc
- Colloque de la Société Mathématique de Tunisie, du 18 au 21 mars 2023, Mahdia, Tunisie
- Complex Geometry Workshop, du 5 au 9 septembre 2022, Bochum, Allemagne
- Geometric Analysis in Castro, du 30 mai au 3 juin 2022, Castro - Lecce, Italie
- The Conference on Complex Geometric Analysis, du 11 au 14 janvier 2022, Korea
- Minisymposium on Complex Analysis and Geometry, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, du 20 au 26 juin 2021, Portoroz, Slovénie
- « KSCV » (Korean Conference on Several Complex Variables) du 8 au 12 juillet 2019, Pohang, République de Corée
- Complex Analysis and Geometry – XXIV du 10 au 14 juin 2019, Levico Terme, Italie
- Workshop ALKAGE du 13 au 17 mai 2019, Grenoble
- Conference in CR Geometry, Juin 2018, Levico Terme, Italie
- Conference in Complex Analysis and Geometry, in honour of K.T.Kim, Juillet 2017, Gyeongju, République de Corée
- Conference in Complex Geometry and PDEs, Mai 2017, Beyrouth, Liban
- Workshop « Invariant Metrics, Squeezing Functions and Mapping Problems », Mars 2017, Oslo, Norvège
- Colloque Société Mathématique de Tunisie, Février 2017, Mahdia, Tunisie


Articles soumis

[51] Smooth equivalence of families of strongly pseudoconvex domains (with X. Gong, A. Zimmer), arXiv:2311.04111
[50] A counterexample to parabolic dichotomies in holomorphic iteration (with L. Arosio, F. Bracci), arXiv:2310.15739
[49] On the Kobayashi metrics on Riemannian manifolds (with A. Sukhov), arXiv:2307.06154


Articles acceptés pour publication

[48] The geometry of domains with negatively pinched Kähler metrics (with F. Bracci and A. Zimmer), Journal Diff. Geom.
[47] Local and global visibility and Gromov hyperbolicity of domains with respect to the Kobayashi distance (with F. Bracci, N. Nikolov, P. Thomas), Trans. Am. Math. Soc.


Articles publiés

[46] A metric analogue of Hartogs’ theorem (with A. Zimmer), Geom. Funct. Anal. 32 1062 (2022), 1041-1062
[45] Abstract boundaries and continuous extension of biholomorphisms (with F. Bracci), Anal. Math. 48 (2022), 393-409
[44] On the energy of quasiconformal mappings and pseudoholomorphic curves in complex projective spaces (with M. Tsukamoto), J. Math. Soc. Japan 74 (2022), 427-446
[43] Unbounded Kobayashi hyperbolic domains in Cn (with N. Shcherbina), Math. Z. 298, No. 1-2, 289-305 (2021)
[42] Homeomorphic extension of quasi-isometries for convex domains in Cd and iteration theory (with F. Bracci, A. Zimmer), Math. Ann. 379, No. 1-2, 691-718 (2021)
[41] The Space of Convex Domains in Complex Euclidean Space (with A. Zimmer), J. Geom. Anal. 30, No. 2, 1312-1358 (2020)
[40] Non-tangential limits and the slope of trajectories of holomorphic semigroups of the unit disc (with F. Bracci, M. Contreras, S. Diaz-Madrigal), Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 373, No. 2, 939-969 (2020)
[39] Asymptotic behavior of orbits of holomorphic semigroups (with F. Bracci, M. Contreras, S. Diaz-Madrigal, A. Zimmer), J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 133, 263-286 (2020)
[38] Horosphere Topology (with F. Bracci), Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa, Cl. Sci. (5) 20, No. 1, 239-289 (2020)
[37] Smooth equivalence of deformations of domains in complex Euclidean spaces (with X. Gong), Int. Math. Res. Not. 2020, No. 18, 5578-5610 (2020)
[36] A Characterization of orthogonal convergence in simply connected domains(with F. Bracci, M. Contreras, S. Diaz-Madrigal), J. Geom. Anal. 29 (2019), 3160-3175
[35] Holomorphic motions and complex geometry (with H. Seshadri), Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 147, No. 1 (2019), 301-313.
[34] Backward orbits and petals of semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc (with F. Bracci, M. Contreras, S. Diaz-Madrigal), Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 198, No. 2 (2019), 411-441.
[33] A proof of the Muir–Suffridge conjecture for convex maps of the unit ball in Cn (with F. Bracci), Math. Ann. 372 (2018), 845-858.
[32] Invariant holomorphic discs in some non-convex domains (with F. Bertrand), Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 146, No. 3 (2018), 1197-1205.
[31] On the Gromov hyperbolicity of convex domains in Cn (with H. Seshadri), Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 18, No. 4 (2018), 617-641.
[30] Algebraic embeddings of smooth almost complex structures (with J.P. Demailly), J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 19, No. 11 (2017), 3391-3419.
[29] Metric geometry of the Kobayashi metric (with H. Seshadri), Eur. J. Math. 3, No. 4 (2017), 1030-1044.
[28] Metric properties of domains in Cn. Springer INdAM Series 26, 143-155 (2017).
[27] On Runge neighborhoods of closures of domains biholomorphic to a ball (with C. Joita), Springer INdAM Series 26, 63-66 (2017).
[26] Positivity and completeness of invariant metrics (with T. Anh and K.T. Kim), J. Geom. Anal. 26, No. 2 (2016), 1173-1185.
[25] Gromov hyperbolicity of strongly pseudoconvex almost complex manifolds (with F. Bertrand), Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), 3901-3913.
[24] Non-squeezing property for holomorphic symplectic structures (with J.C. Joo), Math. Res. Lett. 22 (2015), 729-740.
[23] Quasi-isometries in strongly convex domains (with F. Bertrand), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 420 (2014), 873-877.
[22] Totally geodesic discs in strongly convex domains (with H.Seshadri), Math. Z., 274 (2013), 185-197.
[21] Levi-flat filling of real two-spheres in symplectic manifolds (II) (with A. Sukhov), Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 21 (2012), 783-816.
[20] Levi-flat filling of real two-spheres in symplectic manifolds (I) (with A. Sukhov), Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 20 (2011), no. 3, 515–539.
[19] Extremal discs in almost complex spaces (with J.C. Joo), Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 9 (2010), 759-783.
[18] On the automorphism group of strongly pseudoconvex domains in almost complex manifolds (with J. Byun and K.H. Lee), Ann. Inst. Fourier, Volume 59 (2009), 291-310.
[17] Some aspects of analysis on almost complex manifolds with boundary (with B. Coupet and A. Sukhov), Complex analysis. J. Math. Sci. 154 (2008), 923-986.
[16] On the geometry of model almost complex manifolds with boundary (with A. Sukhov), Math. Z. 254 (2006), no. 3, 567-589.
[15] On the compactness of the automorphism group of a domain (with J. Byun), C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 341 (2005), 545-548.
[14] Estimates of the Kobayashi-Royden metric in almost complex manifolds (with A. Sukhov), Bull. Soc. Math. France, Volume 133 (2005), 259-273.
[13] Fefferman's mapping theorem on almost complex manifolds in complex dimension two (with B. Coupet and A. Sukhov), Math. Z. 250 (2005), 59-90.
[12] Nonalgebraizable real analytic tubes in Cn (with J. Merker), Math. Z. 247 (2004), 337-383.
[11] Compactness of certain families of pseudo-holomorphic mappings into Cn (with K.T. Kim), Int. J. Math. 15 (2004), 1–12.
[10] Riemann maps in almost complex manifolds (with B. Coupet and A. Sukhov), Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) (2003), 761-785.
[9] Symmetries of partial differential equations (with J. Merker), J. Korean Math. Soc. 40 (2003), 517-561.
[8] A new example of a uniformly Levi degenerate hypersurface in C3 (with J. Merker), Ark. Mat. 41 (2003) 85-94.
Erratum to: "A new example of a uniformly Levi degenerate hypersurface in C3'' [Ark. Mat. 41 (2003), 85-94]. Ark. Mat. 45 (2007), 269-271
[7] Sur l'algébrisabilité locale de sous-variétés analytiques réelles génériques de Cn (French)[On the local algebraizibility of real analytic generic submanifolds in Cn] (with J. Merker), C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), 125-128.
[6] A note on the Wong-Rosay theorem in complex manifolds (with K.T. Kim and S. Krantz), Complex Variables, Theory Appl. 47 (2002), 761-768.
[5] Weak-type normal families of holomorphic mappings in Banach spaces and characterization of the Hilbert ball by its automorphism group (with J. Byun and K.T. Kim), J. Geom. Anal. 12 (2002), 581–599.
[4] Smoothness of Cauchy Riemann maps for a class of real hypersurfaces. Publ. Mat. 45 (2001) 79-94.
[3] Regularity of CR maps between convex hypersurfaces of finite type (with B. Coupet and A. Sukhov), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), no. 11, 3191–3200.
[2] Tautness and complete hyperbolicity of domains in Cn. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999) 105-116.
[1] Characterization of convex domains with noncompact automorphism group. Mich. Math. J. 44 (1997), 375-388.


Edition d'ouvrages

Complex Analysis and Geometry, KSCV10, Gyeongju, Korea, August 2014
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
Editors: Bracci, F., Byun, J., Gaussier, H., Hirachi, K., Kim, K.-T., Shcherbina, N. (Eds.)