suivant: Real numbers
monter: Rationals
précédent: The n-th Bernoulli number
Table des matières
Access to PARI/GP commands: pari
- pari with a string as first argument (the PARI command name)
execute the corresponding PARI command with the remaining arguments.
For example pari("weber",1+i) executes the PARI command
weber with the argument 1+i.
- pari without argument exports all PARI/GP functions
- with the same command name if they are not already defined inside Xcas
- with their original command name with the prefix pari_
For example, after calling pari(), pari_weber(1+i) or
weber(1+i) will execute the PARI command
weber with the argument 1+i.
The documentation of PARI/GP is available with the menu
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse