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suivant: Parametric curves and surfaces monter: Implicit graph: plotimplicit implicitplot précédent: 2D implicit curve   Table des matières   Index

3D implicit surface

It is possible to add three arguments to specify the discretisation steps used for x, y and z with xstep=..., ystep=... and zstep=....
Input :
plotimplicit(x^2+y^2+z^2-1,x,y,z, xstep=0.2,ystep=0.1,zstep=0.3)
Input :
plotimplicit(x^2+y^2+z^2-1,x,y,z, xstep=0.2,ystep=0.1,zstep=0.3,unfactored)
Output :
The unit sphere
Input :
Output :
The unit sphere

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse