(PROVIDE "effective-homology")


(SETF *RDCT-LIST* +empty-list+)
(PUSHNEW '*RDCT-LIST* *list-list*)

(DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT ((rdct reduction) (stream stream))
 (the reduction
      (format stream "[K~D Reduction]" (idnm rdct))

   (declare (fixnum n))
   (the (or null reduction)
      (find n *rdct-list* :key #'idnm)))

(DEFUN BUILD-RDCT (&key f g h orgn)
      (type morphism f g h)
      (list orgn))
   (the reduction
         (unless orgn
            (setf orgn `(build-rdct ,f ,g ,h)))
         (let ((already (find orgn *rdct-list* :test #'equal :key #'orgn)))
            (declare (type (or reduction null) already))
            (when already
               (return-from build-rdct already)))
         (with-slots ((fsorc sorc) (ftrgt trgt) (fdegr degr)) f
               (type chain-complex fsorc ftrgt)
               (fixnum fdegr))
         (with-slots ((gsorc sorc) (gtrgt trgt) (gdegr degr)) g
               (type chain-complex gsorc gtrgt)
               (fixnum gdegr))
         (with-slots ((hsorc sorc) (htrgt trgt) (hdegr degr)) h
               (type chain-complex hsorc htrgt)
               (fixnum hdegr))
            (unless (and (eq gsorc ftrgt)
                         (eq fsorc gtrgt)
                         (eq hsorc fsorc)
                         (eq htrgt fsorc)
                         (zerop fdegr)
                         (zerop gdegr)
                         (= +1 hdegr))
               (error "In BUILD-RDCT, the data are non coherent."))
            (let ((rdct (make-instance 'reduction
                           :tcc fsorc :bcc ftrgt
                           :f f :g g :h h
                           :orgn orgn)))
               (declare (type reduction rdct))
               (push rdct *rdct-list*)

  (declare (type chain-complex chcm))
    :f (idnt-mrph chcm)
    :g (idnt-mrph chcm)
    :h (zero-mrph chcm chcm +1)
    :orgn `(trivial-rdct ,chcm)))


(SETF *HMEQ-LIST* +empty-list+)
(PUSHNEW '*HMEQ-LIST* *list-list*)

(DEFMETHOD BUILD-HMEQ ((keyword1 (eql :lrdct)) lrdct &key rrdct orgn)
      (type reduction lrdct rrdct)
      (list orgn))
   (the homotopy-equivalence
         (with-slots ((lf f) (lg g) (lh h) (ltcc tcc) (lbcc bcc)) lrdct
               (type morphism lf lg lh)
               (type chain-complex ltcc lbcc))
         (with-slots ((rf f) (rg g) (rh h) (rtcc tcc) (rbcc bcc)) rrdct
               (type morphism rf rg rh)
               (type chain-complex rtcc rbcc))
            (unless (eq ltcc rtcc)
               (error "In BUILD-HMEQ (version from rdct), the tcc's are not the same."))
            (unless orgn
               (setf orgn `(build-hmeq ,lrdct ,rrdct)))
            (let ((already (find orgn *hmeq-list* :test #'equal :key #'orgn)))
               (declare (type (or homotopy-equivalence null) already))
               (when already
                  (return-from build-hmeq already)))
            (let ((hmeq (make-instance 'homotopy-equivalence
                           :lbcc lbcc :tcc ltcc :rbcc rbcc
                           :lf lf :lg lg :lh lh
                           :rf rf :rg rg :rh rh
                           :lrdct lrdct :rrdct rrdct
                           :orgn orgn)))
               (declare (type homotopy-equivalence hmeq))
               (push hmeq *hmeq-list*)
  (progn ;;;; reused in another test
   (defun cdelta (dmns)
        :cmpr #'l-cmpr
        :basis :locally-effective
        :bsgn '(0)
        :intr-dffr #'(lambda (degr gmsm)
                           :degr (1- degr)
                           :list (do ((rslt +empty-list+
                                           (cons (cons sign (append
                                                               (subseq gmsm 0 nark)
                                                               (subseq gmsm (1+ nark))))
                                     (sign 1 (- sign))
                                     (nark 0 (1+ nark)))
                                    ((> nark degr) rslt))))
        :strt :gnrt
        :orgn `(locally effective version of C_* delta ,dmns)))
   (defun make-f (tdmns bdmns)
        :sorc (cdelta tdmns) :trgt (cdelta bdmns) :degr 0
        :intr #'(lambda (degr gmsm)
                   (let ((pos (position-if #'(lambda (vertex) (>= vertex bdmns)) gmsm)))
                      (if pos
                         (if (< pos degr)
                            (zero-cmbn degr)
                            (cmbn degr 1 (nconc (butlast gmsm) (list bdmns))))
                         (cmbn degr 1 gmsm))))
        :strt :gnrt
        :orgn `(projection delta ,tdmns => delta ,bdmns)))
   (defun make-g (tdmns bdmns)
        :sorc (cdelta bdmns) :trgt (cdelta tdmns) :degr 0
        :intr #'identity
        :strt :cmbn
        :orgn `(injection delta ,bdmns => delta ,tdmns)))
   (defun make-h (tdmns bdmns)
        :sorc (cdelta tdmns) :trgt (cdelta tdmns) :degr +1
        :intr #'(lambda (degr gmsm)
                   (let ((pos (position-if #'(lambda (vertex) (>= vertex bdmns)) gmsm)))
                      (if pos
                         (if (member bdmns gmsm)
                            (zero-cmbn (1+ degr))
                            (cmbn (1+ degr) (-1-expt-n pos)
                               (append (subseq gmsm 0 pos) (list bdmns) (subseq gmsm pos))))
                         (zero-cmbn (1+ degr)))))
        :strt :gnrt
        :orgn `(homotopy for delta ,tdmns => ,bdmns)))
   (defun make-rdct (tdmns bdmns)
       (setf rdct (build-rdct
                    :f (make-f tdmns bdmns)
                    :g (make-g tdmns bdmns)
                    :h (make-h tdmns bdmns)
                    :orgn `(reduction delta ,tdmns ,bdmns)))))
  (setf rdct (make-rdct 6 3))
  (setf f (f rdct) g (g rdct) h (h rdct)
        tcc (tcc rdct) bcc (bcc rdct))
  (setf dh (cmps (dffr tcc) h))
  (setf hd (cmps h (dffr tcc)))
  (setf gf (cmps g f))
  (setf id-gf-dh-hd (i-sbtr (idnt-mrph tcc) gf dh hd))
  (setf c (cmbn 2 1 '(0 1 2) 10 '(1 2 3) 100 '(1 2 4) 1000 '(2 3 4)))
  (cmbn-? id-gf-dh-hd c)

(DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT ((hmeq homotopy-equivalence) (stream stream))
 (the homotopy-equivalence
      (format stream "[K~D Homotopy-Equivalence]" (idnm hmeq))

(DEFMETHOD HMEQ ((n integer))
   (declare (fixnum n))
   (the (or homotopy-equivalence null)
      (find n *hmeq-list* :key #'idnm)))

(DEFMETHOD BUILD-HMEQ ((keyword1 (eql :lf)) lf &key lg lh rf rg rh orgn)
      (type morphism lf lg lh rf rg rh)
      (list orgn))
   (the homotopy-equivalence
         (unless orgn
            (setf orgn `(build-hmeq ,lf ,lg ,lh ,rf ,rg ,rh)))
         (let ((already (find orgn *hmeq-list* :test #'equal :key #'orgn)))
            (declare (type (or null homotopy-equivalence) already))
            (when already
               (return-from build-hmeq already)))
          :lrdct (build-rdct :f lf :g lg :h lh :orgn `(build-hmeq ,lf ,lg ,lh ,rf ,rg ,rh lrdct))
          :rrdct (build-rdct :f rf :g rg :h rh :orgn `(build-hmeq ,lf ,lg ,lh ,rf ,rg ,rh rrdct))
          :orgn orgn))))

   (declare (type chain-complex chcm))
      :lrdct (trivial-rdct chcm)
      :rrdct (trivial-rdct chcm)
      :orgn `(trivial-hmeq ,chcm)))

  (setf cc (cdelta 5))
  (setf hmeq (trivial-hmeq cc))

;; Functions.


   (declare (type reduction rdct))
   (with-slots (bcc tcc f g h) rdct
         (type chain-complex bcc tcc)
         (type morphism f g h))
      (setf *tdd* (cmps tcc tcc)
            *bdd* (cmps bcc bcc)
            *df-fd* (sbtr
                       (cmps bcc f)
                       (cmps f tcc))
            *dg-gd* (sbtr
                       (cmps tcc g)
                       (cmps g bcc))
            *id-fg* (sbtr (idnt-mrph bcc) (cmps f g))
            *id-gf-dh-hd* (i-sbtr (idnt-mrph tcc)
                             (cmps g f)
                             (cmps tcc h)
                             (cmps h tcc))
            *hh* (cmps h h)
            *fh* (cmps f h)
            *hg* (cmps h g)))


  (dolist (cmbn '(*tc* *bc*))
    (declare (type symbol cmbn))
    (format t "~%~A => ~A" cmbn (eval cmbn)))
  (dolist (phi '(*tdd* *bdd* *df-fd* *dg-gd* *id-fg* *id-gf-dh-hd*
               *hh* *fh* *hg*))
    (declare (type symbol phi))
    (format t "~%Checking ~A = 0" phi)
    (format t "~%Result: ")
    (princ (cmbn-? (eval phi)
              (if (member phi '(*bdd* *dg-gd* *id-fg* *dg-gd* *hg*))
                 *bc* *tc*)))

  (setf rdct (make-rdct 6 3))        ;;; defined in a previous test
  (pre-check-rdct rdct)
  (setf *tc* (cmbn 2 1 '(0 1 2) 10 '(1 2 3) 100 '(1 2 4) 1000 '(2 3 4)))
  (setf *bc* (cmbn 3 4 '(0 1 2 3)))

(DEFMETHOD CMPS ((brdct reduction) (trdct reduction) &optional dummy)
  (declare (ignore dummy))
  (when (eq (first (orgn brdct)) 'trivial-rdct)
     (return-from cmps trdct))
  (when (eq (first (orgn trdct)) 'trivial-rdct)
     (return-from cmps brdct))
  (with-slots ((tf f) (tg g) (th h)) trdct
    (declare (type morphism tf tg th))
  (with-slots ((bf f) (bg g) (bh h)) brdct
    (declare (type morphism bf bg bh))
       :f (cmps bf tf)
       :g (cmps tg bg)
       :h (add th (i-cmps tg bh tf))
       :orgn `(cmps ,brdct ,trdct)))))

  (setf trdct (make-rdct 6 4))
  (setf brdct (make-rdct 4 3))
  (setf rdct (cmps brdct trdct))
  (pre-check-rdct rdct)
  (setf *tcc* (cmbn 2 1 '(0 1 2) 10 '(1 2 3) 100 '(1 2 4)
                      100 '(1 3 5) 10 '(1 4 5) 1 '(3 4 5))
        *bcc* (cmbn 2 1 '(0 1 3)))


(DEFMETHOD ADD ((rdct reduction) (perturbation morphism) &optional dummy)
   (declare (type null dummy))
   (when dummy
      (error "Why a third argument in (ADD REDUCTION MORPHISM)?"))
   (when (eq (grmd (tcc rdct)) (grmd (sorc perturbation)))
      (return-from add
         (basic-perturbation-lemma rdct perturbation)))
   (when (eq (grmd (bcc rdct)) (grmd (sorc perturbation)))
      (return-from add
         (easy-perturbation-lemma rdct perturbation)))
           the data do not sound like coherent."))

(DEFUN BASIC-PERTURBATION-LEMMA (reduction top-perturbation)
      (type reduction reduction)
      (type morphism top-perturbation))
   (the (values reduction morphism)
      (with-slots ((old-tcc tcc) (old-bcc bcc)
                   (old-f f) (old-g g) (old-h h)) reduction
            (type chain-complex old-tcc old-bcc)
            (type morphism old-f old-g old-h))
         (when (eq (first (orgn top-perturbation)) 'zero-mrph)
            (return-from basic-perturbation-lemma
               (values reduction (zero-mrph old-bcc))))
         (when (eq (first (orgn (h reduction))) 'zero-mrph)
            (return-from basic-perturbation-lemma
                  (trivial-rdct (add old-tcc top-perturbation))
                  (i-cmps old-f top-perturbation old-g))))
         (let* ((sigma (bpl-*-sigma old-h top-perturbation))
                (new-f (cmps old-f
                          (sbtr (idnt-mrph old-tcc)
                (new-g (cmps sigma old-g))
                (new-h (cmps sigma old-h))
                (bottom-perturbation (i-cmps
                (new-tcc (add old-tcc top-perturbation))
                (new-bcc (add old-bcc bottom-perturbation)))
               (type chain-complex new-tcc new-bcc)
               (type morphism sigma new-f new-g new-h bottom-perturbation))
            (setf new-f (dstr-change-sorc-trgt new-f :new-sorc new-tcc :new-trgt new-bcc)
                  new-g (dstr-change-sorc-trgt new-g :new-sorc new-bcc :new-trgt new-tcc)
                  new-h (dstr-change-sorc-trgt new-h :new-sorc new-tcc :new-trgt new-tcc))
               (build-rdct :f new-f :g new-g :h new-h
                  :orgn `(basic-perturbation-lemma ,reduction ,top-perturbation))

(DEFUN EASY-PERTURBATION-LEMMA (reduction bottom-perturbation)
      (type reduction reduction)
      (type morphism bottom-perturbation))
   (the (values reduction morphism)
      (with-slots ((old-tcc tcc) (old-bcc bcc)
                   (old-f f) (old-g g) (old-h h)) reduction
            (type chain-complex old-tcc old-bcc)
            (type morphism old-f old-g old-h))
         (when (eq 'zero-mrph (first (orgn bottom-perturbation)))
            (return-from easy-perturbation-lemma
               (values reduction (zero-mrph old-tcc))))
     (when (eq 'trivial-rdct (first (orgn reduction)))
        (return-from easy-perturbation-lemma
           (trivial-rdct (add (bcc reduction) bottom-perturbation))))
         (let ((top-perturbation (i-cmps old-g bottom-perturbation old-f)))
            (declare (type morphism top-perturbation))
            (let ((new-bcc (add old-bcc bottom-perturbation))
                  (new-tcc (add old-tcc top-perturbation)))
               (declare (type chain-complex new-bcc new-tcc))
                     :f (dstr-change-sorc-trgt old-f :new-sorc new-tcc :new-trgt new-bcc)
                     :g (dstr-change-sorc-trgt old-g :new-sorc new-bcc :new-trgt new-tcc)
                     :h (dstr-change-sorc-trgt old-h :new-sorc new-tcc :new-trgt new-tcc)
                     :orgn `(easy-perturbation-lemma ,reduction ,bottom-perturbation))

(DEFUN SPECIAL-BPL (reduction top-perturbation)
      (type reduction reduction)
      (type morphism top-perturbation))
   (when (eq (first (orgn top-perturbation)) 'zero-mrph)
      (return-from special-bpl reduction))
   (the reduction
      (with-slots ((old-tcc tcc) (old-bcc bcc)
                   (old-f f) (old-g g) (old-h h)) reduction
            (type chain-complex old-tcc old-bcc)
            (type morphism old-f old-g old-h))
         (let* ((sigma (bpl-*-sigma old-h top-perturbation))
                (new-f (cmps old-f
                          (sbtr (idnt-mrph old-tcc)
                (new-h (cmps sigma old-h))
                (new-tcc (add old-tcc top-perturbation)))
               (type chain-complex new-tcc)
               (type morphism sigma new-f new-h))
            (setf new-f (dstr-change-sorc-trgt new-f :new-sorc new-tcc)
                  old-g (dstr-change-sorc-trgt old-g :new-trgt new-tcc)
                  new-h (dstr-change-sorc-trgt new-h :new-sorc new-tcc :new-trgt new-tcc))
            (build-rdct :f new-f :g old-g :h new-h
               :orgn `(special-bpl ,reduction ,top-perturbation))))))

(DEFUN SPECIAL-BPL-2 (reduction top-perturbation)
      (type reduction reduction)
      (type morphism top-perturbation))
   (the reduction
      (with-slots ((old-tcc tcc) (old-bcc bcc)
                   (old-f f) (old-g g) (old-h h)) reduction
            (type chain-complex old-tcc old-bcc)
            (type morphism old-f old-g old-h))
         (when (eq (first (orgn top-perturbation)) 'zero-mrph)
            (return-from special-bpl-2
               (values reduction (zero-mrph old-bcc))))
         (when (eq (first (orgn (h reduction))) 'zero-mrph)
            (return-from special-bpl-2
                  (trivial-rdct (add old-tcc top-perturbation))
                  (i-cmps old-f top-perturbation old-g))))
         (let* ((sigma (bpl-*-sigma old-h top-perturbation))
                (new-g (cmps sigma old-g))
                (new-h (cmps sigma old-h))
                (new-tcc (add old-tcc top-perturbation)))
               (type chain-complex new-tcc)
               (type morphism sigma new-g new-h))
            (setf old-f (dstr-change-sorc-trgt old-f :new-sorc new-tcc)
          new-g (dstr-change-sorc-trgt new-g :new-trgt new-tcc)
                  new-h (dstr-change-sorc-trgt new-h :new-sorc new-tcc :new-trgt new-tcc))
               (build-rdct :f old-f :g new-g :h new-h
                  :orgn `(special-bpl-2 ,reduction ,top-perturbation)))))))

(DEFUN BPL-*-sigma (homotopy perturbation)
   (declare (type morphism homotopy perturbation))
   (the morphism
      (let ((cmpr (cmpr (sorc perturbation)))
            (h-delta (cmps homotopy perturbation)))
            (type cmprf cmpr)
            (type morphism h-delta))
            ((sigma-* (degr gnrt)
                   (fixnum degr)
                   (type gnrt gnrt))
                (do ((rslt (zero-cmbn degr) (2cmbn-add cmpr rslt iterated))
                     (iterated (term-cmbn degr 1 gnrt) (cmbn-opps (cmbn-? h-delta iterated))))
                    ((cmbn-zero-p iterated) rslt)
                   (declare (type cmbn rslt iterated)))))
               :sorc (sorc homotopy) :trgt (sorc homotopy) :degr 0
               :intr #'sigma-*
               :strt :gnrt
               :orgn `(bpl-*-sigma ,homotopy ,perturbation))))))

  (setf rdct (make-rdct 6 3))
  (setf perturb (zero-mrph (cdelta 6) (cdelta 6) -1))
  (setf new-rdct (add rdct perturb))
  (pre-check-rdct new-rdct)
  (setf *tc* (cmbn 2 3 '(0 1 2))
        *bc* (cmbn 3 4 '(0 1 2 3)))

  (setf rdct (make-rdct 6 3))
  (setf perturb (opps (dffr (tcc rdct))))
  (setf new-rdct (add rdct perturb))
  (pre-check-rdct new-rdct)
  (setf *tc* (cmbn 2 3 '(0 1 2))
        *bc* (cmbn 3 4 '(0 1 2 3)))

#|  ;; an absurd reduction ; just to test bpl-*-sigma
  (setf tcc (build-chcm
               :cmpr #'l-cmpr
               :basis :locally-effective
               :bsgn '(0)
               :intr-dffr #'(lambda (degr gnrt)
                               (cmbn (1- degr) 1 gnrt))
               :strt :gnrt
               :orgn '(test1)))
  (setf rdct (trivial-rdct tcc))
  (setf (slot-value rdct 'h)
           :sorc tcc :trgt tcc :degr +1
           :intr #'(lambda (degr gnrt)
                      (cmbn (1+ degr) 1 gnrt))
           :strt :gnrt
           :orgn '(test2)))
  (setf perturb
           :sorc tcc :trgt tcc :degr -1
           :intr #'(lambda (degr gnrt)
                      (if (zerop (first gnrt))
                         (zero-cmbn (1- degr))
                         (cmbn (1- degr) 1 (list (1- (first gnrt)) (1+ (second gnrt))))))
           :strt :gnrt
           :orgn '(test3)))
  (setf new-rdct (add rdct perturb))
  (gnrt-? (dffr (tcc new-rdct)) 3 '(3 5))
  (gnrt-? (dffr (bcc new-rdct)) 3 '(3 5))

(DEFMETHOD ADD ((hmeq homotopy-equivalence) (lb-perturbation morphism) &optional dummy)
   (declare (ignore dummy))
   (the homotopy-equivalence
      (with-slots (lrdct rrdct) hmeq
         (declare (type reduction lrdct rrdct))
         (multiple-value-bind (new-lrdct top-perturbation)
                              (add lrdct lb-perturbation)
               (type reduction new-lrdct)
               (type morphism lb-perturbation))
               :lrdct new-lrdct
               :rrdct (add rrdct top-perturbation)
               :orgn `(add ,hmeq ,lb-perturbation))))))

  (setf hmeq (trivial-hmeq (cdelta 4)))
  (add (lrdct hmeq) (opps (dffr (cdelta 4))))
  (setf hmeq (add hmeq (opps (dffr (cdelta 4)))))
  (gnrt-? (dffr (rbcc hmeq)) 3 '(0 1 2 3)))

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