To the university
Fourier Institute is in the campus of Saint-Martin-d'Hères, at 100 rue des maths 38610 GièresGPS : 45.193055, 5.772076

You can easily reach the campus by tram. From the railway station, take tram B (green one) direction Gières plaine des sports (be careful: you have to validate your ticket on the platform). Get off at the station Bibliothèques universitaires.
More informations here.
To my office

- From the tram station Bibliothèques universitaires, go back to the north and find the Martin's Café.
- Follow a path or the street at your right hand, under large pine trees.
- Fourier Institute is the large building just after the pine trees. The entrance is at the corner, above some steps, by a glass door (push the button in front of it).
- My office is B109 at first floor (following french convention that is one level above ground floor) at right-hand.