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Approximate computation of the derivative number : nDeriv

nDeriv takes as arguments : an expression ex, the variable name of this expression (by default x), and h (by default h=0.001).
nDeriv(ex,x,h) computes an approximated value of the derivative of the expression ex at the point x and returns :
Input :
nDeriv(x^ 2,x)
Output :
Input :
subst(nDeriv(x^ 2,x),x=1)
Output :
Input :
nDeriv(exp(x^ 2),x,0.00001)
Output :
Input :
subst(exp(nDeriv(x^ 2),x,0.00001),x=1)
Output :
which is an approximate value of 2e=5.43656365692.

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse