suivant: Implicit graph: plotimplicit implicitplot
monter: Graphs
précédent: Contour lines: plotcontour contourplot
Table des matières
2-d graph of a 2-d function with colors :
plotdensity densityplot
plotdensity(f(x,y),[x,y]) or densityplot(f(x,y),[x,y])
draws the graph of z = f (x, y) in the plane where the values of
z are represented by the rainbow colors. The optional argument
z=zmin..zmax specifies the range of z corresponding to the
full rainbow, if it is not specified, it is deduced from the minimum
and maximum value of f on the discretisation. The discretisation
may be specified by optional xstep=... and ystep=...
or nstep=... arguments.
Input :
2,[x=-2..2,y=-2..2], xstep=0.1,ystep=0.1)
Output :
A 2D graph where each hyperbola defined by
2=z has a color from the rainbow
Remark : A rectangle representing the scale of colors is
displayed below the graph.
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse