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Graph of inequations with 2 variables : plotinequation inequationplot

plotinequation([f1(x,y)<a1,,y)<ak],[x=x1..x2,y=y1..y2]) draws the points of the plane whose coordinates satisfy the inequations of 2 variables :

$\displaystyle \left\{\vphantom{ \begin{array}{ccc}
f1(x,y) &<&a1 \\
& ... & \\
\end{array}}\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{ccc}
f1(x,y) &<&a1 \\
& ... & \\
\end{array}$,    x1 $\displaystyle \leq$ x $\displaystyle \leq$ x2, y1 $\displaystyle \leq$ y $\displaystyle \leq$ y2

Input :
plotinequation(x^2-y^2<3, [x=-2..2,y=-2..2],xstep=0.1,ystep=0.1)
Output :
the filled portion enclosing the origin and limited by the hyperbola x^2-y^2=3
Input :
plotinequation([x+y>3,x^2<y], [x-2..2,y=-1..10],xstep=0.2,ystep=0.2)
Output :
the filled portion of the plane defined by -2<x<2,y<10,x+y>3,y>x^2
Note that if the ranges for x and y are not specified, Xcas takes the default values of X-,X+,Y-,Y+ defined in the general graphic configuration (Cfg $ \blacktriangleright$Graphic configuration).

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse