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LU decomposition : lu

lu takes as argument a square matrix A of size n (numeric or symbolic).
lu(A) returns a permutation p of 0..n - 1, a lower triangular matrix L, with 1 on the diagonal, and an upper triangular matrix U, such that : The permutation matrix P is defined from p by :

P[i, p(i)] = 1,    P[i, j] = 0 if j  $\displaystyle \neq$  p(i)

In other words, it is the identity matrix where the rows are permuted according to the permutation p. The function permu2mat may be used to compute P (permu2mat(p) returns $ \tt P$).
Input :
Output :
Here n = 2, hence :

P[0, p(0)] = P2[0, 1] = 1,    P[1, p(1)] = P2[1, 0] = 1,    P = [[0, 1],[1, 0]]

Verification :
Input :
permu2mat(p)*A; L*U
Note that the permutation is different for exact input (the choice of pivot is the simplest instead of the largest in absolute value).
Input :
Output :
Input :
Output :
[1,0],[[1,0],[0.333333333333,1]],[[3,4], [0,0.666666666667]]

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giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse