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Random matrix : ranm randMat randmatrix

ranm or randMat or randmatrix takes as argument an integer n or two integers n, m and optionnally a third argument, either an integer k or the quoted name of a random distribution law (see also 1.24.25, 1.37.36 and [*]).
ranm returns a vector of size n or a matrix of size n×m containing random integers uniformally distributed between -99 and +99 (default), or between 0 and k - 1 or a matrix of size n×m containing random integers according to the law put between quotes.
Input :
Output :
Input :
Output :
Input :
Or input :
Output :
Input :
Output :
[[1.83785427742,0.793007112053,-0.978388964902,-1.88602023857], [-1.50900874199,-0.241173369698,0.311373795585,-0.532752431454]]
Input :
Output :
[[2.00549363438,3.03381264955,2.06539073586,2.04844321217], [3.88383254968,3.28664474655,3.76909781061,2.39113253355]]

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse