suivant: Extract a sub-list :
monter: Get an element or
précédent: Get an element
Table des matières
If l is a list of size s, l[n1..n2] returns the list
extracted from l containing the elements of indices n1 to n2
0 n1 n2 < s (in Xcas syntax mode) or
0 < n1 n2 s in other syntax modes.
The equivalent prefixed function is
at with a list and an interval of integers (n1..n2)
as arguments.
See also : mid, section 1.37.3.
Input :
Output :
at can not be used for sequences, index notation
must be used, like in (0,1,2,3,4,5)[2..3].
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse