suivant: Exact bounds for real
monter: Exact roots of a
précédent: Exact roots of a
Table des matières
Exact bounds for complex roots of a polynomial :
complexroot takes 2 or 4 arguments : a polynomial and a real
number and optionnally two complex numbers
complexroot returns a list of vectors.
- If complexroot has 2 arguments,
the elements of each vector are
- either an interval (the
boundaries of this interval are the opposite vertices of a rectangle with sides
parallel to the axis and containing a complex root of the polynomial) and the
multiplicity of this root.
Let the interval be
[a1 + ib1, a2 + ib2] then
| a1 - a2| < ,
| b1 - b2| < and the root a + ib verifies
a1 a a2 and
b1 b b2.
- or the value of an exact complex root of
the polynomial and the multiplicity of this root
- If complexroot has 4 arguments, complexroot returns a list of
vectors as above, but only for the roots lying in
the rectangle with sides parallel to the axis having
, as
opposite vertices.
To find the roots of x3 + 1, input:
Output :
Hence, for x3 + 1 :
- -1 is a root of multiplicity 1,
- 1/2+i*b is a root of multiplicity 1 with
-7/8 b - 13/16,
- 1/2+i*c is a root of multiplicity 1 with
13/1 c 7/8.
To find the roots of x3 + 1 lying inside the rectangle
of opposite vertices -1, 1 + 2*i, input:
Output :
suivant: Exact bounds for real
monter: Exact roots of a
précédent: Exact roots of a
Table des matières
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse