suivant: Define an operator: user_operator
monter: Operators or infixed functions
précédent: Usual operators :+, -,
Table des matières
Xcas operators
- $ is the infixed version of seq for example :
k)$(k=0..3)= seq(2^
k,k=0..3)=(1,2,4,8) (do not forget
to put parenthesis around the arguments),
- mod or % to define a modular number,
- @ to compose functions for example :
- @@ to compose a function many times (like a power, replacing
multiplication by composition), for example :
- minus union intersect to have the difference, the union and the
intersection of two sets,
- -> to define a function,
- := => to store an expression in a une variable (it is the infixed
version of sto and the argument order is permuted for :=),
for example : a:=2 or 2=>a or sto(2,a).
- =< to store an expression in a variable, but the storage is
done by reference if the target is a matrix element or a list element.
This is faster if you modify objects inside an existing list or matrix
of large size, because no copy is made, the change is done in place.
Use with care, all objects pointing to this matrix or list will
be modified.
suivant: Define an operator: user_operator
monter: Operators or infixed functions
précédent: Usual operators :+, -,
Table des matières
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse