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20.5.2  Testing the mean with the Z test

The normalt command uses the Z test to test the mean of data.



*** TEST RESULT 0 ***
Summary Z-Test null hypothesis H0 mu1=mu2, alt. hyp. H1 mu1!=mu2.

Test returns 0 if probability to observe data is less than 0.1
(null hyp. mu1=mu2 rejected with less than alpha probability error)
Test returns 1 otherwise (cannot reject null hypothesis)
Data mean mu1=10, population mean mu2=0.5
alpha level 0.1, multiplier*stddev/sqrt(sample size)=1.64485*0.02/5.47723


*** TEST RESULT 1 ***
Summary Z-Test null hypothesis H0 mu1=mu2, alt. hyp. H1 mu1<mu2.

Test returns 0 if probability to observe data is less than 0.05
(null hyp. mu1=mu2 rejected with less than alpha probability error)
Test returns 1 otherwise (cannot reject null hypothesis)
Data mean mu1=0.48, population mean mu2=0.5
alpha level 0.05, multiplier*stddev/sqrt(sample size)=1.64485*0.1/7.07107


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