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6.48.10  Adjoint matrix: adjoint_matrix

The comatrix of a square matrix A of size n is the matrix B defined by A× B=det(AI. The adjoint matrix Q(x) of A is the comatrix of xIA. It is a polynomial of degree n−1 in x having matrix coefficients and satisfies:

(xIA)Q(x) = det(xIA)IP(x)× I

where P(x) is the characteristic polynomial of A. Since the polynomial P(xIP(A) (with matrix coefficients) is also divisible by x× IA (by algebraic identities), this means that P(A)=0. We also have Q(x) = I× xn−1+…+B0 where B0= is the comatrix of A (times -1 if n is odd).

The adjoint_matrix command finds the characteristic polynomial and adjoint of a given matrix.


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