Workshop Geometry,graphs, Semiclassical dynamics in Peyresq

organized by the ANR "Geometry,graphs, Semiclassical dynamics".


The place

A map that you can (de)zoom.

Other informations or here.

Scientific program

  This is a working group: each participant presents a paper(s) (not from him) that she (he) finds interesting. There are time for dicussions among the participants.

Some propositions of talks:

     We will take time for each presentation if needed. (may be half a day).


Arrival:  in Peyresq will be sunday  24 mai 2015 in the afternoon or the evening.

For people coming from Nice:

I propose to take the train in Nice a 17h15   -> Meailles  19h20
or the one before: Nice  13h05 -> Meailles 15h01.

For people coming from grenoble:

        There will be two cars: Yves & Marie Jo,  Frédéric

with   7 + 3 = 10 places. 


Departure: saturday 30 mai (or friday 29 mai).

Participants and details

Place left if cars from Grenoble:

Name Arrival Departure Financial support
Joachim Hilgert 24/5. Nice airport 14h05 h, and train des P. Nice (17h15)  -> Meailles (19h20) 30/5. Train Meailles (8h35) – Nice CP (10h30). Nice airport 14h45.
Orlean ANR
Yves Colin de Verdière
24/5. Car 1 from Grenoble.
30/5. Car 1 to grenoble
Orlean ANR
Marie Joe Colin de Verdière
24/5 in Car 1
30/5 in Car 1.
Frédéric Faure
24/5  Car 2 from Grenoble.
30/5. Car 2 to grenoble grenoble (OM fait)
Francoise Truc
24/5 Car 1  from Grenoble
30/5  Car 1    to grenoble.

Tobias Weich
24/5 in Car 2 from grenoble 30/5. Train Meailles (8h35) – Nice CP (10h30). Nice airport 14h45.
Orlean ANR
Stephane Nonnenmacher
24/5  Nice airport 15h40 h, and train des P. Nice (17h15)  -> Meailles (19h20) 29/5 Train Meailles  15h47 ou avant.
Saclay ANR
Dima Jakobson
train from Nice
Montreal ANR
Maxime Ingremeau (Student with S.N.) 24/5  12h59 from Paris. Then Car 2 from Grenoble. 30/5. Car 2 to grenoble. Train at 16h15. Saclay ANR
Gabriel Rivière
24/5. Nice 15h, and train des P. Nice   ->  Meailles (19h20) 29/5 , 8h30,  by train des P. and Nice. Saclay ANR
Colin Guillarmou
24/5 12h59 from Paris. Then in Car 2 from grenoble 28/5 by Nice.
grenoble (OM fait)
Yannick Bonthonneau (Student with C.G.)s
24/5 12h59 from Paris. Then in Car 2 from grenoble 30/5. Car 2 to grenoble Saclay ANR
Fabricio Macia Lang
25/5 gare de Meailles (15h00) 28
 Orlean ANR
Luc Gossart (Student with F.F.)
24/5  Car 2 from Grenoble. 30/5. Car 2 to grenoble
Anke Pohl
24/5 Nice and train des P.Nice (17h15)  ->  Meailles (19h20) 30/5 by train des P. and Nice Airport Orlean ANR
Charles Hadfield (student with Colin G.) 24/5  12h59 from Paris. Then in  Car 2  from grenoble 30/5. Car 2 to grenoble Saclay ANR
Ingo Witt 24/5 Nice and train des P. Nice (17h15)  ->  Meailles (19h20) 30/5 by train des P. and Nice Airport Orlean ANR
Nguyen-Viet Dang 24/5. Nice 15h, and train des P. Nice   ->  Meailles (19h20) 29/5 by train des P. and Nice. grenoble. (OM fait)