Workshop on mathematical papers at Peyresq, France

June 10 - June 14,  2012


"Ondes Chaotiques. Chaos and Waves"



This conference is part of the program  "Spectral methods in classical and quantum chaos"  financed by the French research agency ANR.

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:  Nalini Anantharaman (Orsay), Frédéric Faure (Grenoble),, Colin Guillarmou (ENS Paris), Laurent Michel (Nice), Frédéric Naud  (Avignon), Stéphane Nonnenmacher  (CEA Saclay), Johannes Sjöstrand (Dijon).



The objective is to study together some papers. 

The planning is not done yet, we have only 7 half-days, so we'll try to
organize this in the next month. We'll see how that goes with the persons
speaking. The program is not definitive and this will be more in the
spirit of working group seminars than real seminar talks.
The list of proposed paper is here of detailed here:



Practical information

Arrival: Sunday June, 10th, 2012:

Departure Thursday 14th, 2012

Other possibilities:

Train des pignes:

The scenic train des pignes connects Nice with Annot in about 2 hours. Here is a special  time table for this period. Be aware that the train station of "train des pignes" is in Nice center and is different from the SNCF train station (the national train network).
Getting to Peyresq

The village of Peyresq lies about 100km away from Nice, in the beautiful
Southern Alps. It hosts an international conference center, managed by
the "Association européenne pour la culture et l'humanisme artistique
et scientifique"

We look forward to having you in Peyresq!

Enjoy the place

Peyresq is a small village situated at an altitude of 1500m,
"at the end of the road". After being almost abandoned in the 50',
the village has been renovated in the 50'-70' by a few belgian university people. More informations here.