Workshop on mathematical papers at Peyresq,
June 10 - June 14, 2012

"Ondes Chaotiques. Chaos and Waves"
The objective is to study together some papers.
The planning is not done yet, we have only 7 half-days, so we'll try to
organize this in the next month. We'll see how that goes with the persons
speaking. The program is not definitive and this will be more in the
spirit of working group seminars than real seminar talks.
The list of proposed paper is here of detailed here:
- J. Marklof and A. Strömbergsson, The periodic
Lorentz gas in the Boltzmann-Grad limit: asymptotic estimates,
Speaker: Nonnenmacher + ?
- A. Vasy: Microlocal
analysis of asymptotically hyperbolic spaces and high energy resolvent
Speaker: Guillarmou + ?
- Sogge-Zelditch
Lower bounds on the Hausdorff measure of nodal sets
Sogge-Hezari: A natural lower
bound for the size of nodal sets (arXiv:1107.3440)
Colding/Minicozzi: Lower
bounds for nodal sets of eigenfunctions (arXiv:1009.4156)
Speaker: Guillarmou + Eswarathasan
- Zelditch :Complex
zeros of real ergodic eigenfunction (Invent 2007)
Speaker: Rivière + ?
- Brooks-Lindenstrauss: Joint
Quasimodes, Positive Entropy, and Quantum Unique Ergodicity (arXiv:1112.5311)
Graph Eigenfunctions
and Quantum Unique Ergodicity (arXiv:1006.3583)
Speaker: Nonnenmacher + Lemasson
- Flaminio-Forni :Invariant
distributions and time averages for horocycle flows. Duke Math. J.
119 (2003)
Speaker: Riviere + ( Guillarmou ? Naud ? Faure ?)
- Sodin-Nazarov: Random
Complex Zeroes and Random Nodal Lines arXiv:1003.4237
Speaker: Nonnenmacher
- Burq-Lebeau : Injections
de Sobolev probabilistes et applications arXiv:1111.7310
Speaker: Macia + Jakobson
- Donnelly-Fefferman : Nodal sets of
eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds. Invent. Math. 93 (1988),
no. 1, 161–183.
Speaker: C. Laurent + M. Leautaud
- Toth- Zelditch: quantum
ergodic restriction theorems (arXiv:1104.4531).
Dyatlov-Zworski Quantum ergodicity for restrictions to hypersurfaces
Speaker: Eswarathasan + ??
- Théorie de Patterson-Sullivan/Bunke-Olbrich on invariant distributions supported on limit sets.Speaker: Naud ? , Guillarmou ? , Faure ?
- (i) Semiclassics of non-linear Schroedinger or Hartree equations,
say along the lines of the work of Remi Carles and
(ii) derivation of non-liner Schroedinger and Hartree from many
particle theories, something from the recent work by
Rodnianski, Schlein, Erdos, Pickl etc. (e.g.
Speaker: Schubert+?
- Jean Bourgain and Zeev Rudnick On the nodal sets of toral
eigenfunctions ,
Speaker: Uebershar
- Arnoldi
- Eswarathasan
- Faure
- Guillarmou
- Jakobson
- Laurent
- Leautaud
- Lemasson
- Macia
- Naud
- Nonnenmacher
- Rivière
- Schenck
- Schubert
- Strohmaier
- Uebershär
- Vogel
- Weich
Arrival: Sunday June, 10th, 2012:
- A coache special for the meeting will wait for us at Airport of Nice, Terminal 2, Arrivals, ground floor, at
4PM or 4.30PM. The organizer present there, waiting for
you, will be Stephane Nonenmacher or Colin Guillarmou. (we will arrive
at Peyresq at maybe 7pm)
- For people who arrive at the train station, take a cab or bus n° 99
at the train station towards the airport before 15h00 pm. (There is a
bus n° 99 every 30mn, and it takes 20mn to get to the airport).
- For people arriving on monday, take the "train des pignes" from Nice to Annot: the scenic train
des pignes connects Nice with Annot in about 2 hours.
Departure Thursday 14th, 2012
- a bus will start from Peyresq at 12h or 2PM and deserve Airport of Nice, Terminal 2, ground floor, before 4PM , friday june 14th. It will deserve the train station at 4h30
pm (or take bus 99). (For those people, there will be a lunch bag).
Other possibilities:
Train des pignes:
- The conference room hosts a Wifi spot, and a few computers and printers. A videoprojector and a blackboard will be available.
- Due to the altitude, nights may be a bit cold, please bring a sweater.
The village of Peyresq lies about 100km away from Nice, in the beautiful
Southern Alps. It hosts an international conference center, managed by
the "Association européenne
pour la culture et l'humanisme artistique
et scientifique".
We look forward to having you in Peyresq!
Enjoy the place
Peyresq is a small village situated at an altitude of 1500m,
"at the end of the road". After being almost abandoned in the 50',
the village has been renovated in the 50'-70' by a few belgian
university people. More informations here.
The village is pedestrian-only, and enjoys beautiful natural
surroundings. Here is a precise
map (you can zoom with the mouse). One can hike, bike around, mountain-bike (here is a map with tracks) or visit nearby caves (bring a
- Mountain
climbing is a local speciality of the nearby village of Annot.
- A piano is available in the village. Musicians are encouraged to bring
their instrument and music scores.