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Matemáticas y Computación



Mathematics Algorithms and Proofs 2010

MAP 2010: Logroño (Spain) 8-12th November 2010

Formal Proofs and Real Geometry

Logical, algebraic and numerical aspects


Main Speakers:

  • Michel Coste, Université de Rennes : Tutorial on O-minimal structures.

  • Assia Mahboubi, INRIA, Paris: Tutorial on Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition in Coq.

  • Saugata Basu, Purdue University: On the problem of computing Betti numbers of semi-algebraic sets -- algorithms and complexity aspects.

  • Graham Ellis, National University of Ireland : Persistent homology of spaces and groups.


Scientific Committee:

  • Thierry Coquand,
  • Marie Françoise Roy,
  • Henri Lombardi,
  • Julio Rubio


  • Luis Español,
  • Julio Rubio

Local Organizing Committee:

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