Foto    Chris  Peters

        I am a guest rechearcher at the University of Leiden  (from 11 -2021) -- email: c.a.m.peters <at>  
        and the  Technical University Eindhoven (from 09-2013) -- email: c.a.m.peters <at>       
       In September 2013 I retired from the
Université Grenoble Alpes.     

My research is in complex algebraic geometry.

Upcoming: Murre Memorial Day Mathematical Institute Leiden University, 25 April 2025

NEW: The book Quadratic forms (with H. Sterk)

Here is my  CV

Here are my
PublicationsPreprints, Notes and Courses

Some material concerning  former teachers
Here is a partial list of my   former students

Some pictures

Webpage Chris Peters
Logo CNRS Logo Université Joseph-Fourier

Chris Peters


Institut Fourier, UMR5582 CNRS, Université Grenoble I, BP 74, 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères, France.