ARCUS Programme RRhA-BR 2008-2010, extended 2011
Rhône-Alpes — Brésil
MathematicsInvited speakers: P. Castillon (Montpellier), M. Cavalcante (Maceio), F. Coda Marques (Rio de Janeiro), B. Daniel (Nancy), B. Devyver (Nantes), L. Hauswirth (Paris), J. Lira (Fortaleza), A. M. Menezes de Jesus (Rio de Janeiro), F. Pacard (Palaiseau), S. Pigola (Como), D. Ramos (Barcelona), M. Rigoli (Milano), A. Setti (Como), K. Zheng (Peking and Grenoble), D. Zhou (Rio de Janeiro). Support by ARCUS RhA-BR, ANR FOG, Math-AmSud, UJF.
ARCUS Participants in Grenoble: F. Nigro (IMPA). Supported by ARCUS, CNRS, UJF.
ARCUS Participants in Rio: Pierre Bérard, Laurent Bessières, Gérard Besson, Vincent Bour, Chi-Wei Chen, Alix Deruelle, Zindine Djadli, Thomas Richard (UJF). Support by ARCUS, ANR, IMPA, Math-AmSud.
ARCUS Participants in Rio: Stéphane Druel (CNRS/UJF), Emmanuel Peyre (UJF), Bertrand Rémy (UCBL), Amaury Thuillier (UCBL). Supported by ARCUS, IMPA, IUF.
ARCUS Participants in Grenoble: Edilaine Ervilha Nobili (IMPA), Jefferson Nogeira (UFF), Douglas M. de Melo Santos (IMPA). Supported by ARCUS, CNRS, UJF.
ARCUS Participants in Lyon: Anne Bronzi (Univ. Estadual Campinas), Cecilia Mondaini (UFRJ), Eleonora Pinto de Moura (UNICAMP), Adilson Presoto (Univ. Estadual Campinas), Fabio Ramos (UFRJ), Max Souza (UFF), Luiz Alberto Viana (Univ. Estadual Campinas), Humberto Viglioni (USP). Support by ARCUS and Institut Camille Jordan.
ARCUS Participants in Campinas: C. Audiard (UCBL), M. Bonnivard (Univ. Savoie), L. Brandolese (UCBL), T. Gallay (UJF), R. Fares (Univ. Saint Etienne). Support by ARCUS, CNPq, FAPESP, UNICAMP.
Other activities:
ARCUS Participants in Brazil: Nicky Sonigo (ENSL). Support by ARCUS and the Summer school.
ARCUS Participants in Brazil: Augusto Gerolin (ENSL). Partially supported by ARCUS and by the host institutions.
ARCUS Participants in Rio: Pierre Bérard (UJF, Partially supported by CNPq and Région
Rhône-Alpes, MIRA 2008), Gérard Besson (CNRS Grenoble, Supported by ARCUS
and IMPA), Hervé Pajot (UJF, Supported by ARCUS and IMPA).
ARCUS Participants in Grenoble: D. Jane (IMPA), L. Fusaro (UFMG), O. Santana (UNICAMP),
M. Telichnevsky (UFRGS). Support by ARCUS (research visit in Grenoble on the occasion
of the Mathematics Summer School).
ARCUS Participants in Grenoble: M. do Carmo, F. Coda (IMPA), R. Sá Earp (PUC-Rio), W. Santos (UFRJ). Support by the conference.
ARCUS Participants in Grenoble: A. Bazan (UFRJ), M. Cavalcante (UFAL), F. Elbert (UFRJ), E. Gonçalves (UNICAMP), W. Neves (UFRJ). Support by ARCUS and Mathematics Summer School.
ARCUS Participants in Rio: Pierre Bérard (UJF, Partially supported by FAPERJ and Région Rhône-Alpes, MIRA 2008).
ARCUS Participants in Rio: Pierre Bérard (UJF, Partially supported by FAPERJ and Région Rhône-Alpes, MIRA 2008).