- 1.9.0-49: Univariate polynomials rootfinder enhancements
- 1.9.0-47: Spanish translation enhancements by compsystems
- 1.9.0-23: English documentation new layout/fixes by Luka Marohnić
- 1.9.0-13: improvements by Luka Marohnić mainly in nlpsolve
(implements now a fast and robust interior-point algorithm,
alongside Nelder-Mead and differential evolution methods for derivative-free optimization)
and global minimization of a continuous function on a segment (find_minimum).
Integration of the 3d renderer for calculators, gives now an simpler alternative
to OpenGL (useful if OpenGL inside Xcas raises bugs like black screen).
- 1.9.0-5: compatibility with new Numworks calculator bootloader
- version 1.7.0-43: changing interpreter in Xcas web is now much easier,
improved Numworks connectivity
- version 1.7.0-25: improvements and fixes by Luka Marohnić
in graph theory commands, better graphs inside texmacs
- version 1.7.0-19: Numworks connectivity (Windows and Linux)
- version 1.7.0-13 and 17:
polynomial system solver optimizations (rational univariate
representation computation and real root isolation)
- version 1.7.0: Javascript interpreter added: QuickJS
- version 1.6.17:
compatibility with calculators (KhiCAS sessions for Numworks, TI nspire CX),
inclusion of a MicroPython interpreter (with builtin modules for teaching),
you can switch interpreter by typing
python or xcas in an empty commandline.
- version 1.6.0:
Improved FFT over finite field, half-GCD implementation.
- version 1.5.0 :
graphtheory, signalprocessing by Luka Marohnic,
LambertW function,
some optimizations and improvements
- version 1.4.9 (March 2018)
Python compatibility mode,
improved interface for Firefox
new optimizations commands written by Luka Marohnic,
English user manual corrected by Jay Belanger.
- version 1.2.3 (july 2017) some speedups and bug fixes
- version 1.2.2 (december 2015) improved Groebner basis engine
- version 1.2.0 (may 2015): sparse matrices (inside tables) and
a few related linear algebra algorithms.
- version 1.1.4 (february 2015):
some improvements in numeric linear algebra (for
example linsolve now accepts the LU decomposition as
argument for faster linear system solving)
- version 1.1.3 (december 2014):
New functions for sound: soundsec, playsnd, and simplification
for writewav. fft now calls GSL if available and is therefore
- version 1.1.2 (september 2014):
Rational univariate representation for solving polynomial systems
efficiently. Fast modular Groebner basis engine (already there
in recent 1.1.0).
Interval arithmetic.
- version 1.1 (july 2013):
more commands for probability and statistics. Many bug fixes.
Adaptive numeric integration.
- version 1.0 (november 2012):
syntaxic coloration in commandlines.
- version 0.9.9:
easier construction of non-prime finite fields (GF),
optimizations for determinant/inverse of matrices with integer coefficients
(for example det(hilbert(100)) takes 0.56s on an AMD 64 bits at 2.8_GHz).
version 0.9.8:
quadratic sieve for factoring integers from 40 to 77 digits
(speed between PARI and msieve/yafu)
- version 0.9.5: lapack support
- version 0.9.4: access to matrices starting at 1 instead of 0 in
Xcas mode with double-brackets, e.g. M[[1,2]].
Enlarge/Shrink program editor with F5/F6.
The reference card is now installed (instead of online).
- version 0.9.3: some commands now accepts function, for example
f(x):=sin(x)*x; g:=f'
- version 0.9.0:
New item in Help->Internet: reference card
Documentation is now translated from LaTeX using hevea
instead of latex2html: size as decreased with similar
rendering quality
New algorithms implemented for GCD and factorization of multivariate
polynomials, resulting in sometimes significant speedup for many
The windows version is compiled with the latest cygwin version (1.7),
it is no more compatible with windows version older than XP.
The recommended way to run Xcas (if your smartphone is not too old) is
to install Firefox for Android from Google Play, then open
Xcas online offline (this will also work
with the default Chrome browser, but computations are faster and
2d rendering is better with Firefox).
- If you are on an arm64, have installed Userland and configured Debian
inside, then you can install the latest version of Xcas by downloading the
giac and
packages with the command sudo dpkg -i giac*arm64.deb then
sudo apt-get -f install
N.B.: these packages are not compatible with the Debian Xcas packages
(that are a little bit outdated), if you
installed them, you must remove them with dpkg --remove xcas libgiac0
On Google Play, there is a free application for tablets
(does not work on some old smartphones)
based on giac, named
written by Leonel Hernandez.
Open Xcas online offline in your browser.
(not tested since I don't have
ios smartphone or tablet to test myself).
There is also an experimental port of the
Xcas Pad application
by Leonel Hernandez.
A non free version of Giac (dual licensed)
is included in the following applications
PocketCAS for iPhone/iPad
by Daniel Gräfe.
To install Xcas for Windows, download the installer:
64 bits mingw (1.9.0 2024/05).
If this version does not work, try
64 bits cygwin (1.9.0 2024/05).
If none of these versions work, try
32 bits (1.9.0, 2022/09).
Remarks :
If you experience a black window while running 3d commands (like plane(z=0))
try to disable hardware acceleration (search with your favorite engine
windows disable hardware acceleration).
Xcas should work on all versions of Windows from Windows XP
to Windows 11, but some people have reported problems
with Windows 8 for 3d.
If Xcas does not work on your Windows version, you can install
VirtualBox and a Linux distribution.
If you want preview support, please install
and GSview
(there are two packages too install)
Since version 0.6.3 of Xcas for Windows, the
xcas.exe binary is linked to a DLL (giac.dll), hence
the standalone text version icas.exe has been
added, and Cygwin developers may use giac.dll to include symbolic
functions in their C++ programs.
To install Xcas for Mac OS
- Mac OS 14
Download this version (in tests),
open the file, open the disk image inside, then click on Xcas.pkg
while keeping the control key pressed and choose Open (this
way you can allow installing a non signed package).
Or compile Xcas following
these instructions .
For Mac OS 11.6, get this package, maintained by Leonel Hernandez.
On Mac OS X.10, it is recommended to install this
(without Qcas and with Python 2.7 module
Once installed, you can run Xcas like any other application
(from Applications)
or from a Terminal by the command /Applications/usr/bin/xcas.
The commandline version is /Applications/usr/bin/icas.
If you prefer to install Xcas in another folder, for example
/Applications/xcas instead of /Applications/usr,
you need to set two environment variables to access to the
documentation and locale menus
export XCAS_ROOT=/Applications/xcas/share/giac/
export XCAS_LOCALE=/Applications/xcas/share/locale/
- You can install
without admin priviledges, open a Terminal from launchpad,
and copy-paste these commands:
cd /tmp
tar xvf /Volumes/Xcas/Xcas.pkg Payload
cd /Applications
tar xvf /tmp/Payload
These distributions now includes a giac package.
- Recent Debian/Ubuntu distributions
Open your favorite package manager and search for xcas.
The version is not necessarily the most recent one, therefore you might want to install
Xcas manually.
- Compile your own packages
This is the recommended install mode if you want to have an up to date version.
- open a Terminal (or Konsole)
- install dependancies: copy-paste the followind command
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpfi-dev libpari-dev libgsl0-dev libxext-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libreadline-dev libncurses5-dev mesa-common-dev libx11-dev libxt-dev libxft-dev libntl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgl-dev libao-dev hevea debhelper libfltk1.3-dev
If sudo does not work for you, you will have to edit /etc/sudoers as root and try again.
get sources and compile as packages
wget https://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/giac/giac_stable.tgz
tar xvfz giac_stable.tgz
cd giac-1.9.0
- install packages
sudo dpkg -i ../giac*deb
If you have problems with 3d commands,
please check the note above.
- Ubuntu 20: download
and giac dbgsym,
then from a Terminal issue the following command
sudo dpkg -i Downloads/giac*deb && sudo apt-get -f install
- Debian 10/11: download
giac and
dbgsym (Debian 10)
giac and
dbgsym (Debian 11)
then from a Terminal issue the following command
sudo dpkg -i Downloads/giac*deb && sudo apt-get -f install
- Debian 7-9:
Type the command
sudo add-apt-repository
"deb http://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/debian/ stable main"
Or add the line
deb http://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/debian/ stable
in the file /etc/apt/sources.list. On Ubuntu, replace stable
by testing. Then run
sudo apt-get update
Now you can install or upgrade by running
sudo apt-get install giac python-giacpy
(python-giacpy is optionnal, it's for Python programmers support).
If install fails, with old distributions, you can try old instead
of stable in
/etc/apt/sources.list and run again both commands.
If install fails because of libpng12 dependency on Ubuntu, add
deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main
to /etc/apt/sources.list.
If you do not want to get warning messages about invalid/unknown
key, download the
Xcas public GPG key
and run the following
command in a terminal from the directory where you
stored the key
sudo apt-key add xcas_public_key.gpg
If you want to test the latest version, use the following line instead
deb http://www-fourier.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/~parisse/debian/ testing
If it does not work, try to install one or more packages
as explained below.
all in one package (i386, 1.9.0, compiled on Ubuntu 12.04)
all in one package (x64, 1.9.0)
To install type
sudo dpkg -i *giac*.deb
If dpkg complains about missing packages, check the package names
and issue an apt-get command like
sudo apt-get install libstdc++5
If you have an error reporting that libreadline.so.5 is missing,
install it (sudo apt-get install readline5) or
if readline is already installed (e.g. version 6), type the commands
cd /usr/lib; sudo ln -s libreadline.so.6 libreadline.so.5 ; sudo ldconfig
Carlos Enriqe Carleos Artime
made the first giac packages.
maintained by Antonio Rojas.
Incompatibility with Unity
It has been reported than Xcas does not work correctly
(crash, keystrokes
not recognized...) under some versions of Unity
(default window manager in recent Ubuntus).
If you experience these problems, it
is recommended to switch to an alternate window manager like
Gnome, Xfce, Icewm, ...
Xcas is using OpenGL capabilities for 3-d graphs and 3-d geometry,
therefore you must check that your Xserver is correctly configured.
If acceleration is supported for your videocard, check that the
dri module is loaded in /etc/X11/xorg.conf or
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4. If Xcas freezes on a command
like plan(z=0), remove dri loading or install
the correct drivers for your video card, or disable acceleration
for example on Debian 7:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-swx11
This package does not exist on Debian 9. Workaround:
copy libGL.so.1 (64 bits)
in a directory, say /opt/lib, then you can run
xcas from a Terminal with the commands:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib
xcas &
If you have transparency problems with Xfce, run xfce-settings-manager
and disable composition in windows.
Install the KhiCAS addin for the Casio Prizm
or install 2 files khicas50.g3a and
khicas50.ac2 on your FXCG50
or install
khicasen.g1a on your Fx-9750GIII
calculator. You can now run most Xcas commands on your calculator,
CAS and programming commands, including Python syntax compatibility.
Beware, if you are testing on the emulator, the 2 files for the FXCG50
are emucas50.g3a and
Documentation: HTML,
Thanks to Sébastien Michelland and Camille Gaspard for help porting Giac to the Casio.
Beware: do not upgrade your Numworks on Numworks website, it would lock your calculator
(requires a web-usb compatible browser like Chromium). Works only if your Numworks N0110
is not locked (check in Settings that Epsilon version is smaller or equal to 15.5).
Documentation .
You can also make a local install.
Thanks to Damien Nicolet for porting newlib, and interfacing Giac with Epsilon (external
apps support).
Khicas for most TI Nspire CX and CX-II,
For those with a so-called 240x320 screen, like CX HW-W, please use
this archive.
Copy the ndless directory from the archive into your calculator with TI connectivity
kit. Run the ndless installer corresponding to your OS once. Then run
khicas (math+programming in a shell) or khicaslua (math only).
For more information on ndless, see
CX or
For monochrom nspire, you can install
this light version.
Warning: do not use khicas during exams if CAS calculators are banned.
For interested developers, install the ndless-sdk toolchain with
newlib, compile GMP/MPFR/MPFI, then get the latest giac source,
copy config.h.nspire to config.h and Makefile.nspire to Makefile.
For the black and white version, install the Ndless SDK,
then additional libs/headers
(modified versions of
and the giac source code.
Thanks to Xavier Andréani and Adrien Bertrand for the LUA interface.
For smartbooks with a Ubuntu 10.10 ARM compatible version, follow
the same instructions as for Intel debian packages.
Daniel Alm provides a free for non-commercial use (not open-source)
interface and binaries based on Giac. See on his
site or click on this
direct link
if you want to download the binary without interface.