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The n-th Bernoulli number : bernoulli

bernoulli takes as argument an integer n.
bernoulli returns the n-th Bernoulli number B(n).
The Bernoulli numbers are defined by :

$\displaystyle {\frac{{t}}{{e^t-1}}}$ = $\displaystyle \sum_{{n=0}}^{{+\infty}}$$\displaystyle {\frac{{B(n)}}{{n!}}}$tn

Bernoulli polynomials Bk are defined by :

B0 = 1,    Bk'(x) = kBk-1(x),    $\displaystyle \int_{0}^{1}$Bk(x)dx = 0

and the relation B(n) = Bn(0) holds.
Input :
Output :

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse