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3-d graph

plotfunc takes two main arguments : an expression of two variables or a list of several expressions of two variables and the list of these two variables, where each variable may be replaced by an equality variable=interval to specify the range for this variable (if not specified, default values are taken from the graph configuration). plotfunc accepts two optional arguments to specify the discretisation step in x and in y by xstep=... and ystep=.... Alternatively one can specify the number of points used for the representation of the function with nstep= (instead of xstep and ystep).
plotfunc draws the surface(s) defined by z = the first argument.
Input :
plotfunc( x^2+y^2,[x,y])
Output :
A 3D graph of z=x^2+y^2
Input :
Output :
The surface z=x*y, default ranges
Input :
Output :
The surfaces z=x*y-10, z=x*y and z=x*y+10
Input :
Output :
The surface z = x*y for the specified ranges
Now an example where we specify the x and y discretisation step with xstep and ystep. Input :
Output :
A portion of surface z = x*y
Alternatively we may specify the number of points used for the representation of the function with nstep instead of xstep and ystep, input :
Output :
A portion of surface z = x*y

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suivant: 3-d graph with rainbow monter: Graph of a function précédent: 2-d graph   Table des matières   Index
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse