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12.3.2  The switch statement: switch case default

The switch statement can be used when you want the value of a block to depend on an integer. It takes one argument, an expression which evaluates to an integer. It should be followed by a sequence of case statements, which takes the form case followed by an integer and then a colon, which is followed by a code block to be executed if the expression equals the integer. At the end is an optional default: statement, which is followed by a code block to be executed if the expression doesn’t equal any of the given integers:

switch(n) {
  case n1: block n1
  case n2: block n2
  case nk: block nk
  default: default_block

(where recall the blocks need to be delimited by braces or by begin and end).

As an example of a program which performs an operation on the first two variables depending on the third, you could enter (see Section 12.1.1):

oper(a,b,c):= {
switch (c) {
  case 1: {a:= a + b; break;}
  case 2: {a:= a - b; break;}
  case 3: {a:= a * b; break;}
  default: {a:= a ^ b;}
return a;





since the third argument is 1, and so oper(a,b,c) will return a+b, and:




since the third argument is 2 and so oper(a,b,c) will return a-b.

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