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6.52.2  Solving general linear programming problems: lpsolve

The lpsolve command can solve linear programming problems (where a multivariate linear function needs to be maximized or minimized subject to linear (in)equality constraints), as well as (mixed) integer programming problems. You can enter a problem directly (in symbolic or matrix form) load it from a file in LP or (gzipped) MPS format.

Solving an LP problem in symbolic form

To enter a problem symbolically:

The given objective function is minimized by default. To maximize it, include the option lp_maximize=true or lp_maximize or simply maximize. Also note that all variables are, unless specified otherwise, assumed to be continuous and unrestricted in sign.


Solving an LP problem in matrix form

To enter a problem in matrix form:


Solving MIP (Mixed Integer Programming) problems

The lpsolve command allows restricting (some) variables to integer values. Such problems, called (mixed) integer programming problems, are solved by applying the branch and bound method.

To solve pure integer programming problems, in which all variables are integers, use the option assume=integer or assume=lp_integer.





Use the option assume=lp_binary to specify that all variables are binary, i.e. the only allowed values are 0 and 1. These usually represent false and true, respectively, giving the variable a certain meaning in logical context.





To solve mixed integer problems, where some variables are integers and some are continuous, use the option keywords lp_integervariables to specify integer variables and/or lp_binaryvariables to specify binary variables.


assume=lp_nonnegative,lp_maximize, lp_integervariables=[x,z])



Use the assume=lp_nonnegint or assume=nonnegint option to get nonnegative integer values.





When specifying MIP problems in matrix form, lists corresponding to the options lp_integervariables and lp_binaryvariables are populated with variable indices, like in the following example.






You can also specify a range of indices instead of a list when there is too much variables. Example: lp_binaryvariables=0..99 means that all variables xi such that 0≤ i≤ 99 are binary.

About lpsolve

Implementation details.

The branch and bound algorithm by definition generates a binary tree of subproblems by branching on integer variables with fractional values. The lpsolve command features an implementation which stores only active nodes of a branch and bound tree in a list, thus saving a lot of space. Also, since variable bounds are the only parameters that change during the branch and bound algorithm, the number of constraints does not rise with depth, which is the benefit of the upper-bounding technique built in the simplex algorithm. Therefore a steady speed and minimal resource usage is always maintained, no matter how long the execution time is. This allows for solving problems that require tens or hundreds of thousands of nodes to be generated before finding an optimal solution.

Stopping criteria.

There are several ways to force the branch and bound algorithm to stop prematurely when the execution takes too much time. You can set lp_timelimit to an integer which defines the maximum number of milliseconds allowed to find an optimal solution. Other ways are to set lp_nodelimit or lp_depthlimit to limit the number of nodes generated in the branch and bound tree or its depth, respectively. Finally, you can set lp_gaptolerance to some positive value, say t>0, which terminates the algorithm after finding an incumbent solution and proving that the corresponding objective value differs from the optimum value for less than t· 100 % . This is done by monitoring the size of the integrality gap, i.e. the difference between the current incumbent objective value and the best objective value bound among active nodes.

If the branch and bound algorithm terminates prematurely, a warning message indicating the cause is displayed. The incumbent solution, if any, is returned as the result, else the problem is declared to be infeasible.

Branching strategies.

At every iteration of the branch and bound algorithm, a node must be selected for branching on some variable that has a fractional optimal value for the corresponding relaxed subproblem. There exist different methods for making such decisions, called branching strategies. Two types of branching strategies exist: the node selection and variable selection strategies.

The node selection strategy can be set by using the lp_nodeselect option. Possible values are:

By default, the lp_bestprojection strategy is used. Another sophisticated strategy is lp_hybrid: before an incumbent solution is found, the solver uses the lp_depthfirst strategy, “diving” into the tree as an incumbent solution is more likely to be located deeply. When an incumbent is found, the solver switches to the lp_breadthfirst strategy to try to close the integrality gap as quickly as possible.

The Variable selection strategy can be set by using the lp_varselect option. Possible values are:

By default, the lp_pseudocost strategy is used. However, since pseudocost-based choice cannot be made before all integer variables have been branched upon at least one time in each direction, the lp_mostfractional strategy is used until that condition is fulfilled.

Using the right combination of branching strategies may significantly reduce the number of subproblems needed to be examined when solving a particular MIP problem. However, what is “right” varies from problem to problem. Default strategies are the most sophisticated (as they use the available data most extensively) and usually the most effective ones. But that is not always the case, as illustrated by the following example.

: Minimize c·x subject to A x=b, where x∈ℤ+8 and



,    b=


,    c=


When using the default settings, about 24000 subproblems need to be examined before an optimal solution is found. When lp_nodeselect is set to lp_breadthfirst the solver needs to examine only about 20000 subproblems, but when set to lp_hybrid (a strategy which in general performs better) it examines about 111000 nodes in total.

Cutting planes.

Strong Gomory mixed integer cuts are generated at every node of the branch and bound tree and used to improve the objective value bound. After solving the relaxed subproblem with the simplex method, at most one strong cut is generated and added to the subproblem which is subsequently reoptimized. Simplex reoptimizations are fast because they start with the last feasible basis, but applying cuts makes the simplex tableau larger, hence applying many of them may actually slow the computation down. To limit the number of cuts that can be applied to a subproblem, you can use lp_maxcuts option, setting it either to zero (which disables cut generation altogether) or to some positive integer. Also, you may set it to +infinity, which means that any number of cuts may be applied to any node. By default, lp_maxcuts equals to 5.

Displaying detailed output.

By typing lp_verbose=true or simply lp_verbose when specifying options for lpsolve, detailed messages are printed during and after solving an MIP problem. During the branch and bound algorithm a status report in form

n: m nodes active, lower bound: lb ⟨ integrality gap: g

is displayed every 5 seconds, where n is the number of already examined subproblems. Also, a report is printed every time the incumbent solution is found or updated, as well as when the solver switches to pseudocost-based branching. After the algorithm is finished, i.e. when an optimal solution is found, a summary is displayed containing the total number of examined subproblems, the number of most nodes being active at the same time and the number of applied Gomory mixed integer cuts.

In the following example, two nonnegative integers x1 and x2 are found such that 1867 x1+1913 x2=3618894 and x1+x2 is minimal. The solver shows all progress and summary messages.




Applying branch&bound method to find integer feasible solutions...
3937: Incumbent solution found
* 3938 subproblem(s) examined
* max. tree size: 1 nodes
* 0 Gomory cut(s) applied


Solving problems in floating-point arithmetic

The lpsolve command provides, in addition to its own exact solver implementing the primal simplex method with upper-bounding technique, an interface to the GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) library which contains sophisticated LP/MIP solvers in floating-point arithmetic, designed to be very fast and to handle large problems. Choosing between the available solvers is done by setting lp_method option.

By default, lp_method is set to lp_simplex, which solves the problem using primal simplex method, but performing exact computation only when all problem coefficients are exact. If at least one of them is approximative (a floating-point number), the GLPK solver is used instead (see below).

Setting lp_method to exact forces the solver to perform exact computation even when some coefficients are inexact (they are converted to rational equivalents before applying the simplex method).

Specifying lp_method=float forces lpsolve to use the floating-point solver. If a MIP problem is given, it is combined with the branch and cut algorithm. The GLPK simplex solver parameters can be controlled by setting the lp_timelimit, lp_gaptolerance and lp_varselect options. If the latter is not set, the Driebeek–Tomlin heuristic is used by default (see the GLPK manual for details). If lp_maxcuts is greater than zero, GMI and MIR cut generation is enabled, else it is disabled. If the problem contains binary variables, cover and clique cut generation is enabled, else it is disabled. Finally, lp_verbose=true enables detailed messages.

Setting lp_method to lp_interiorpoint uses the primal-dual interior-point algorithm which is part of GLPK. The only parameter that can be controlled via options is the verbosity level.

For example, try to solve the following LP problem using the default settings.

Minimize 1.06 x1+0.56 x2+3.0 x3

subject to

1.06 x1+0.015 x3≥ 729824.87         
0.56 x2+0.649 x3≥ 1522188.03         
x3≥ 1680.05         
xk≥ 0  for k=1,2,3          





If assume=nonnegint is used for the same problem, i.e. when xk∈ℤ+ for k=1,2,3, the following result is obtained by GLPK MIP solver: Input:




The solution of the original problem can also be obtained with the interior-point solver by including lp_method=lp_interiorpoint after assume=lp_nonnegative: Input:




Loading a problem from a file

Linear (integer) programming problems can be loaded from MPS or CPLEX LP format files (these formats are described in GLPK manual, Appendices B and C). The file name should be a string passed as the obj parameter. If the file name has extension “lp”, CPLEX LP format is assumed, and if the extension is “mps” or “gz”, MPS or gzipped MPS format is assumed.

For example, assume that somefile.lp file is stored in directory /path/to/file and contains the following lines of text:

\* Problem: short *\

 obj: + 0.6 x1 + 0.5 x2

Subject To
 c1: + x1 + 2 x2 <= 1
 c2: + 3 x1 + x2 <= 2

 x1 free
 x2 free


To find an optimal solution to the linear program specified in this file, you just needs to enter:





You can provide additional variable bounds and options alongside the file name. Note that the original constraints (those which are read from file) cannot be removed.




It is advisable to use only (capital) letters, digits and underscores when naming variables in an LP file, although the corresponding format allows many more characters. That is because these names are converted to Giac identifiers during the loading process.

Warning! Problems that are too large won’t be loaded. More precisely, those with nv· nc>105, where nv is the number of variables and nc is the number of constraints, won’t be loaded.

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