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2.4.2  Edit menu

The Edit menu contains commands that are used to execute and undo parts of the current session. This menu contains the following entries:

Execute worksheet
(Ctrl+F9) — This recalculates each level in the session.
Execute worksheet with pauses
— This recalculates each level in the session, pausing between calculations.
Execute below
— This recalculates the current level and each level below it.
Remove answers below
— This removes the answers to the current level and the levels below it.
— This undoes the latest edit done to the levels, including a deletion of a level. It can be repeated to undo more than one edit.
— This redoes the undone editing.
— This pastes the contents of the system clipboard to the cursor position.
Del selected levels
— This deletes any entry levels that you have selected.
selection → LaTeX
(Ctrl+T) — This puts a LATEX version of the selection (level, part of a level, or answer selected by clicking and dragging the mouse) on the system clipboard.
New entry
(Alt+N) — This inserts a new entry level above the current one.
New parameter
(Ctrl+P) — This brings up a window in which you can enter a name and conditions for a new parameter.
Insert newline
— This inserts a newline below the cursor. Note that simply typing return will evaluate the current entry rather than inserting a newline.
Merge selected levels
— This merges the selected levels into a single level.

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