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All functions of Erable| listed in alphabetic order

The following symbols will be used:

List of all global variables in HOME, algb or algbg:

Name Function Arguments Returns
EPS $\varepsilon $   %
ERABLMSG Risch log   string
INVLAP Last inverse Laplace nothing s
MATRIX Last matrix nothing m
MODULO Arithmetic in $Z\!\!Z/nZ\!\!Z$   n
ODETYPE Ordinary diff. equ. type   string
PRIMIT Last primitive nothing s
SYSTEM Last system nothing $\{ m v \}$
GX/SX/UKEYS User keys string nothing string
VX integration variable Rien v
fr French short doc nothing string
us English short doc nothing string

If you are short in memory, you can erase all variables in { HOME } and subdirectories except EPS, VX and MODULO.

Functions of the Erable library and of the other, algb or algbg directories:
Name Function Arguments Returns
ABCUV Bezout ax+by=c 3,2,1:a, b, c 1:1 [3,2: x, y] or 1: 0
AXL array $\leftrightarrow$ list [ ] ou { m } { m } or [ ]
AXQ array to s quadratic form { m } s
    2: { m }, 1: { v } s
C2P Cycles $\rightarrow $ permutation { cycles } p
CHS Change signe o -o
COLC Factorization s s
COSN $\cos, \sin(nx) \rightarrow P(\cos x, \sin x)$ n > 0 2: s, 1: s
    n<0 2: { p }, 1: { p }
CIRC Compose 2 permutations 2:p2, 1:p1 $p_2\circ p_1$
CURL Rotationnal 2: { s1 s2 s3 } 1: { v } { s1' s2' s3' }
DEGRE Order { p } n
DIV Divergence 2: { s1 ... sk } 1: { v } s
DIV1 Usual division 2: o2, 1: o1 o2/o1
DIV2 Euclidean division 2: o2, 1: o1 2: o2 div o1,1: o2 mod o1
DIVIS List of divisors o { l }
DIVPC Division in ascending power 3: s, 2: s', 1: n s
DSOLVE Solve y'(x)=f(y(x),x) f(y(x),x) y(x)
EPSX0 Strip expression o o
EULER Euler indicatrix n $\varphi (n)$
EXEC Substitution or doall 2: { l }, 1: program 1: { l }
    2: s, 1: o1=o2 s
    3: s, 2: $\{$ l1 $\}$ 1: $\{$ l2 $\}$ s
EXPA Simplification o o'
EXPLN Conversion to $\exp, \ln$ s s
EXPLIN Linearization of $\exp$ s s
FACTO Factorization o 3: { v } 2: f , 1: { f1 n1 f2 n2 ... }
FCOEF roots/poles $\rightarrow $ Fraction { r1 n1 r2 n2 ... } f
FROOTS Factorization o 3: { v } 2: f , 1: { s1 n1 s2 n2 ... }
FSIGN Sign of a rational fraction s tagged list
FXND Split a fraction f=N/D 2: N, 1: D
GAUSS Gauß quadratic form reduction 1: A 2: D, 1: P
    s 5: D,4: P, 3: A, 2: { v },1: s
    2: s, 1: { v } 5: D,4: P, 3: A, 2: { v },1: s
GCD1 Greatest common divisor 2: o2, 1: o1 GCD(o2,o1)
GCD3 GCD (solves au+bv=d) 2,1: a , b GCD(a,b)=d, u, v
HALFTAN To half angle tangent    
HERMITE Hermite polynomial integer n Hn
HESS Hessian 2: s, 1: { v } matrix
HILBERT Hilbert matrix integer n $n \times n$ matrix
HORN Horner scheme 2:p , 1: r 3: p/(X-r) , 2: r, 1: P(r)
ILAP Inverse laplace transform s L-1(s)
INIT Initialization nothing nothing
INVL Inversion o o-1
IPP Integration by part $\int _a^b f(t) \ dt $, u $[uv]_a^b-\int _a^b u v'(t) dt$ (v=f/u')
JORDAN Diagonalization endomorphism 7 to 1: cf. section 12
KERN Kernel of a lin. appl. m 4 to 1: cf. section 12
LAP Laplace transform 2:f, 1:g L(f)/g
LAPL Laplacian 2: f, 1: { v } $\Delta f$
LATEX LATEX conversion 1: s 1: string
L2S Evaluation 2: { p }, 1:v p(v)
    2: { p },1: { v } p(v)
LCM1 Least common multiple 2: o2, 1: o1 LCM(o2,o1)
LCXM Matrix creation 3: r, 2: c, 1: prog 1: $r \times c$ matrix
LDEC Lin Diff Equ Cst Coef 2: { v }, 1: { m } 3,2: (m-x)-1, 1: (m-x)-1 v
LEGENDRE Polynomials integer r list of r+1 polynomials
LGCD GCD of a list { l } o=GCD
LIDNT List of variables s 2: s, 1: { v }
LIMIT Limit 3:s, 2:v, 1:n s
LNCOLC Collect log s s
LU2 LU decomposition M L-1, U
LVAR list of variables o { v }
MAD inverse, char. polyn., etc. o 4: det, 3: 1/o, 2: { p },1: { p }
MMULT special product 3: o2, o1, n `` $o_2 \times o_1$''
MULT product 2: o2, o1 $o_2 \times o_1$
NDXF create a fraction 2: N, 1: D f=N/D
ORND Round an object 2: o, 1: D o

P2C Permutation $\rightarrow $ cycles p 3: p, 2: cycles, 1: signature
PCAR Characteristic polynomial endomorphism s
PF Partial fraction f $\sum_i f_i $
PFEXEC exec between + and - 2: $\sum_i f_i $ 1: prg $\sum_i \mbox{prg}(f_i) $
POWER integral power 2: o, 1: n on
PREVAL Evaluation 3: primitive, 2,1:bornes s
PTAYL Taylor for polynomials 2: P(X), 1: o P(X-o )
PURG Purge algb(g) nothing nothing
QXA s quadratic form to array 2: s, 1: { v } { m }
    s 2:{ m }, 1: { v }
RANG Réduction sous-diagonale { m } 2: spec. cases, 1:{ m }
RDET Determinant (rref) endomorphism { m } 2: { m }, 1: determinant
RISCH Symbolic integration s s
S2L Symbolic to list 2: o, 1: { v } 2: { v },1:{ p }
    2: o, 1: v { p }
SCROLL Scrolls a grob grob  
SERIES Series 3: s, 2: v, 1: n 6: 6-1: s
SETFR Set French Flags nothing nothing
SIMP2 Simplification 2: o2, 1: o1 2: o2', 1: o1'
SINCOS Exponential to sine/cosine s s
SOLGEN Solves a linear system { eqns { v } } cf. section 12
SOLV Solve 2: s, 1: x 2: x, 1: solutions
SQRT Square root n or C% or s n or C% or s
STUDMULT ``students'' $\times$ of matrices M, M' ``$ M \dot M' $ ''
SUBT Subtraction 2: o2, 1: o1 o2-o1
SXL Conversion Internal [user] User [internal]
SYST Solves a linear system { eqns { v } } cf. section 12
TAN2SC Tangent to sin/cos    
TAN2SC2 Tangent to sin/cos$2\theta $    
TCHEB Polynomials integer r list of r+1 polynomials
TEXPA Expand transcendent functions s s
TNBA Tangent, normal, ... $ \{ v \} $  
TR trace [ ] or { m } $=(a_{ij})_{1\leq i,j\leq n} $ $\sum _{i=1}^{n} a_{ii}$
TRAN transposed [ ] or { m } [ ] ou { m }
TRIG Trigonometry: $\rightarrow \sin, \cos, \arctan $ s s
TRIGCOS Trigonometry: $\sin^2 \rightarrow 1-\cos^2$ s s
TRIGLIN Trig. linearization C%, s ou { p } s
TRIGSIN Trigonometry: $\sin^2 \rightarrow 1-\cos^2$ s s
TRUNC Truncate an asymptotic expansion 2: s, 1: rest s' s
TSIMP Simplification (transcendental) s s
VAND Vandermonde matrix list of objects matrix
VER Version rien % 2.99
XFRC To quadratic irrational o o
XNUM $\rightarrow $ Numeric o o
XQ $\rightarrow $ Rational o o
XY Scalar product of 2 vectors 2: x 1: y x.y
abs Absolute value s s
add Addition 2: o2, 1: o1 o2+o1
arg Argument 1: s 1: s
comb Combinaisons 2: n, 1: n' Cn'n
conj Conjugate o $\overline{o} $
cross Wedge product 2: x, 1: y $x \wedge y $
der derivative or gradient 2: s, 1: v 1: s
der1 derivative s s
det Determinant (expand) endomorphism determinant
fact Factorielle n n!
idn identity real integer or matrix identity matrix
im imaginary part o $\Im (o)$
re real part o $\Re(o)$
rref Row reduction M { s }, reduced matrix
tEVAL Execution time ..., 1: o EVAL(o), 1: time

Functions of the kernel library. Don't forget to set an integer n in the variable MODULO (by default n=2):
Name Function Arguments Returns
{KERNEL.LIB} (0:788)    
MODADD Modular addition 2: n1, 1:n2 $(n_1+n_2) \mbox{ mod } n$
MODSUBT Modular subtraction 2: n1, 1:n2 $(n_1-n_2) \mbox{ mod } n$
MODMULT Modular multiplicatin 2: n1, 1:n2 $(n_1*n_2) \mbox{ mod } n$
MODDIV Modular division 2: n1, 1:n2 $(n_1/n_2) \mbox{ mod } n$
MODPOW Modular power 2: n1, 1:n2 $n_1^{n_2} \mbox{ mod } n$
MODINV Modular inversion 1: n1 $n_1^{-1} \mbox{ mod } n$
PA2B2 Prime factorization 1: p ( $p\equiv 1[4]$) 1: a+ib/ a2+b2=p

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Bernard Parisse