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Simplified installation for a GX.

Erable provides now a simplified installation procedure which should make it a lot easier for new users. Thanks to Mika Heiskanen and Claude-Nicolas Fiechter for letting me modify and distribute their eqstk library; to Jean-Yves Avenard (for the minwriter), and to Andre Schoorl (for ufl102) for letting me include their programs in the Erable distribution.

Go to the directory where you have unzipped

Run kermit on your computer. If you don't have kermit, you can get it at e.g. or at a mirror site. If your version of kermit does not work under Windows 95, restart your computer in MS-DOS mode and try again.

Set the line to the HP48, e.g. type
set port 2
if the HP is connected to the second serial port COM2 (for Linux type set line /dev/cua1).

To insure binary file transfer, type:
set file type binary

Type the following command to set the speed of kermit to 9600 bauds:
set speed 9600

Put kermit in server mode, type:

Now take your HP48. You must have at least 120K free in your HP48GX. If you do not have important data in your memory, press the ON key, then the A key, then the F key and release them, then press the F key to answer NO to Try to recover memory. Otherwise, if you are running a stack replacement like java or eqstk, switch to the HP48 built-in stack handler.

Type the left shift key followed by the 1 key, type the B menu key to select IOPAR, press the A menu key until line 1 looks:
IR/wire: wire

Press the $\alpha $ key, and type S E T U P then the space key then K G E T, release the $\alpha $ key and press the ENTER key. This will get the program SETUP from the computer to the HP. If an error occurs, verify the configuration of kermit and try again.

Press the VAR key, then the A menu key (for SETUP), this will get and install the binaries for you. If you don't have enough memory, an Insufficient memory error will occur. You may get a Object in use error if you are running stack replacement like java or eqstk, in this case, leave them (for java, type JAVA and for eqstk, type simultaneously ON and C). Otherwise, after about 10 minutes your HP48 will reboot.

After the reboot, press the VAR key, then the E menu key (again for SETUP). This will continue the installation and reboot the calculator after about 1 minute.

Eventually press the VAR key, then the A menu key (for INIT). This will launch the modified eqstk stack handler. Congratulations, you're done!!

The installation is completed, all should work smoothly. You can go to section (3)

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Bernard Parisse