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Installation from a computer.

  If your have a HP48S or a HP48SX with few memory, you should probably install the G/GX version of the library to save 2.6K. The G/GX version works on S/SX models as far as the numeric solver is not called. In most situations at school, the roots of a polynomial are found before by the symbolic routines of ALGB. Of course, sometimes you will get an Undefined XLIB name error when rooting polynomials (at school, this is the case for example if roots of unit or bisquared polynomial are involved, like 'X^4+1').

Now connect your HP to your computer. Run kermit in server mode on your computer, and type:
on your HP48 G/GX model or:
on your HP48 S/SX model. Keep kermit in server mode. Type the A menu key on your HP to go in the ALGB directory. Type again the A menu key to launch the INIT program. This will install the library and powercycle your HP to attach the library. Type the A menu key twice again to relaunch the INIT program in order to assign the users keys and create the CST menu.

If you have enough memory, type the F menu key to get all modules of ALGB. Otherwise, it's time to purge the ALGB directory! Hit the C menu key to launch the PURG program. Now install by hand the module(s) you need, e.g. type:
to get the MATR directory.