How to use the software Tiling.
This software is one of the first softwares for drawing tilings, it is the only one in the world to produce hyperbolic tilings


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Download the software Tiling Marcel Morales for Windows, in english
Telecharger le logiciel(download the software) pavages Marcel Morales pour Linux
Telecharger le logiciel(download the software) pavages Marcel Morales pour Linux, nouvelle version
Telecharger le logiciel(download the software) pavages Marcel Morales pour Mac OS X
Telecharger le logiciel(download the software) pavages Marcel Morales pour Mac OS power

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·        In order to start the software, click on the image of the software

·        Then you can see a short text and some pushbutton.

·        There are :

1.     17 pushbutton corrresponding to the 17 tiling euclidian groups, and one to the hyperbolic groups.

2.     un bouton One pushbutton for one example.

3.     One pushbutton hyperbolique which open three groups of hyperbolic tilings. it is the only one in the world to produce hyperbolic tiling

4.     One pushbutton see the lattice, you can see the lattice background under each tiling group. It must be clicked before choose the tiling group. .

·        T make a tiling choose a group, and the click on the pushbutton.

·        After clicking on the pushbutton  you will have some indications. You choose a point by clicking and releasing the mouse. A tiling will be realized by choosing points in this way  starting on point 1, going to 2,... .

·        After you draw a tiling, you can choose colorscouleurs , une palette de couleurs you can accept colors by default, then click on annuler, or choose a color then after each color click on OK  l

·        After you have choose colors, the tiling appears and you have the possibility to change colors

·        In the menu you have examples of tilings and also examples of polyhedra done by Origami by Alice Morales and Marcel Morales):

1.      If you want to do a new, go to the file menu and choose new.

2.     In order to save your draw as bmp file choose save

3.     In order to print choose print

3.     The ouput will consist of two files, one txt and the second svg. The txt file have the points of the tile, the svg file is a vectorial draw of the tiling, in order to open it you need the software inkscape
download the software inkscape for Windows

4.     Do quit to go out the software


Marcel Morales

Professeur IUFM de Lyon

Chercheur à l’Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble I

BP 74, 38402 St Martin d'Hères cedex, (France)

email :