Michel Mollard

Docteur d Etat







Thèmes de recherches:

Théorie des graphes, Théorie des codes correcteurs d'erreurs, Problèmes combinatoires sur l'Hypercube



Manuscrits soumis


Manuscrits acceptés en cours de publication


[50] Sandi Klavzar, Michel Mollard

Daisy cubes and distance cube polynomial (2017)

accepté  par European Journal of Combinatorics


Publication récentes



 [49] Michel Mollard

Non covered vertices in Fibonacci cubes by a maximum set of disjoint hypercubes Discrete Applied Mathematics190(2017) 219-221 


[48] Simon Spacapan, Michel Mollard, Sylvain Gravier,Sara Sabrina Zemljic

On disjoint hypercubes in Fibonacci cubes

Discrete Applied Mathematics190(2015) 50-55 DOI 10.1016/j.dam.2015.03.016


 [ 47] M.Mollard, M.Ramras,

Edge decompositions of hypercubes by paths and cycles

Graphs and Combinatorics 31 (2015) 729-741


[46] S.Klavzar, M.Mollard

Asymptotic Properties of Fibonacci Cubes and Lucas Cubes

Annals of Combinatorics 18 (2014) 447-457


 [45] M.Mollard

On the Domination of Cartesian Product of Directed Cycles: Results for Certain Equivalence Classes of Lengths

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 33.2 (2013): 387-394.


[ 44] S.Gravier, M.Kovse, M.Mollard, J.Moncel, A.Parreau,

New results on variants of covering codes in Sierpinski graphs

Designs,Codes and Cryptography (2012) , DOI 10.1007/s10623-012-9642-1


 [43] M.Mollard,

The domination number of Cartesian product of directed paths,

 J Comb Optim(2012) DOI 10.1007/s10878-012-9494-7


[42] M.Mollard,

Maximal Hypercubes in Fibonacci and Lucas cubes

Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012) 2479-2483


 [41] S.Klavzar, M.Mollard

Wiener index and Hosoya polynomial of Fibonacci and Lucas cubes,

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem 68 (2012) 311-324


[ 40] A. Castro, M.Mollard,

The eccentricity sequences of Fibonacci and Lucas cubes

Discrete Mathematics 312(2012) 1025-1037


 [39] S.Klavzar, M.Mollard

Cube polynomial of Fibonacci and Lucas Cube, 

Acta Applicandae Mathematicae  (2012) 117:93-105


[38] M.Mollard,

On Vertex Partitions of Hypercubes by Isometric Trees

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 25  (2011) , 534-538.


[37] A. Castro, S.Klavzar, M.Mollard,Y. Rho

On the domination number and the 2-packing number of Fibonacci cubes and Lucas cubes

Computers & Mathematics with Applications (2011), 2655-2660.


[36] S.Klavzar, M.Mollard, M.Petrovsek

The degree sequence of Fibonacci cubes,

Discrete Mathematics 311 (2011) 1310–1322


[35] M.Mollard,

On perfect codes in Cartesian product of graphs

European Journal of Combinatorics (2011) volume 32 (3) 398-403


[34] L. Beaudou, S.Gravier, M.Kovše, S.Klavzar, M.Mollard,

Covering codes in Sierpinski graphs ,

Discrete Math.Theor.Comput.Sci. (2010) 12(3) 63-74



[33] P. Dorbec, S.Gravier, L.Honkala, M.Mollard,

Weighted codes in Lee metric,

Designs Codes and Cryptography (2009) 52 2 209-218



[32] P.Dorbec, S.Klavzar, M.Mollard, S.Špacapan,

Power domination in product graphs .

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (2008) 22 2 554-567



[31] B. Brešar, P.Dorbec, S.Klavzar, M.Mollard,

Hamming polynomials and their partial derivatives .

European J. Combin. 28 (2007) 1156-1162.



[30] I.Charon, S.Gravier, O.Hudry, A.Lobstein, M.Mollard, J.Moncel.

A Linear Algorithm for Minimum 1-identifying Codes in Oriented Trees,

Discrete Applied Maths 154, Issue 8 (2006), pp. 1246-1253.


 [29] P.Dorbec M.Mollard,

Perfect codes in Cartesian products of hypercube and multidimensional grid.

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics vol 22 (2005) Pages 327-331



[28] P.Dorbec, M.Mollard,

Perfect Codes in Cartesian Products of 2-Paths and Infinite Paths . The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics volume 12 (1) (2005)


 [27] S. Gravier, S.Klavzar, M.Mollard,

Codes and L(2,1)-labellings in Sierpinski graphs .

Taiwanese J. Math. 9 (2005) 671-681




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