1.1. we typeset Hermitian (instead of hermitian) throughout this paper. OK 1.2. we added parentheses (or a single parenthesis) throughout this paper. OK 2.13. Remarks ... FOR CONSISTENCY WITH YOUR MODIFICATIONS TYPESET i_*{\mathcal O}(\det(V*)) 3.1. at line 1 of page 7 and line 8 (in page 23); should we typeset ``GGL Conjecture'' instead of ``GGL conjecture''. We thought that we should keep as it is. OK 3.2. at the second line of Proposition 2.4 (in page 18); should we typeset ``$\mathrm{rank} (V) - 1$'' or ``$\mathrm{rank} (V - 1)$''? $\mathrm{rank}(V) - 1$ 3.3. at line 6 of page 27; should we typeset ``Property'' instead of ``property''? YES ALSO TYPESET BEFORE Properties 3.1 (i), (ii) AND LATER Property 3.1 (iii) 3.4. at the fifth line of Se t. 8 (in page 53); we typeset ``[GRe65]'' instead of ``[GRec65]. OK 3.5. at the sixteenth line of page 54; could you advise please us where we should typeset a losing parenthesis? AS FOLLOWS: projective algebraic); 3.6. at the ninth line of page 75; we typeset ``9.34'' instead of ``(9.34)''. 3.7. at lines (- 5) and (- 8) of page 78; should we typeset ``(n + 1) / 2'' or ``n + (1 / 2)''? WHAT IS MEANT IS n+(1/2) BUT n+\frac{1}{2} LOOKS BETTER 3.8. for pages 79--81; should we keep the character ``,'' that appears after $\eta$? YES 3.9. at the eighth line of Subse t. 11.5 (in page 90); should we typeset ``$\mathrm{rank} (V) - 1$'' or ``$\mathrm{rank} (V - 1)$''? $\mathrm{rank} (V) - 1$ 3.10. at line (- 9) of page 94; we added ``as follows:''. REPLACE BY "the following:" 3.11. at line (- 3) of page 100; should we typeset ``$\mathrm{dim} (Z) + 1$'' or ``$\mathrm{dim} (Z + 1)$''? $2(\mathrm{dim} Z) + 1$ IS EVEN BETTER 3.12. in the middle of page 110; should we typeset the fractions using \frac command? If yes, could you please advise us how to typeset them correctly? USE e^{n+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2n}} AND n^{n-\frac{3}{2}} FORMULA BECOMES $$b<\frac{n^{2n-1}\exp((2+\cdots+n)/n^2)}{\sqrt{2\pi n}\,(n/e)^n}< \frac{e^{n+\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{2n}}}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\,n^{n-\frac{3}{2}}.$$ ------------ page 22, YELLOW TAGS DO NOT ADD "as follows" AS THIS IS GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT IF YOU REALLY WANT TO ADD SOMETHING, USE "the following", BUT THIS IS UNNECESSARY. ------------ IN REMARK 3.4, REPLACE END OF PARAGRAPH BY: Improving on this result of Clemens, Geng Xu [Xu94] proved that every curve contained in a very generic surface of degree $d\ge 5$ satisfies the sharp bound $g\ge d(d-3)/2-2$. In April~2018, I.~Coskun and E.~Riedl improved the above bounds and got the more precise bound $g\ge 1+(dk(d-5)+k)/2\,$; this result actually shows that a very generic surface of degree $d\ge 5$ is algebraically hyperbolic in the sense of Definition~3.2. In higher dimension, L.~Ein ([Ein88], [Ein91]) proved that every subvariety of a very generic hypersurface $X\subset\bP^{n+1}$ of degree $d\ge 2n+1$ $(n\ge 2)$, is of general type. This was reproved by a simple efficient technique by C.~Voisin in [Voi96], along with other improvements.