Sebastian Gurriaran [1]
Linearized curvature instability at the Kerr Cauchy horizon
Lundi, 17 Février, 2025 - 13:30
Résumé :
I will describe a recent work on the linear instability of the Kerr Cauchy horizon, originally first proven by Sbierski. In the context of a linearized gravitational perturbation of a Kerr black hole, I will present the precise asymptotics of the spin +2 Teukolsky scalar in the interior region of the black hole, proving its exponential blow-up on the Cauchy horizon, as well as an oscillatory behavior caused by the non-zero angular momentum of the black hole. I will explain how the result supports Strong Cosmic Censorship in Kerr spacetimes, and suggests that generic perturbations of a Kerr black hole build up to form a coordinate-independent curvature singularity at the perturbed Cauchy horizon. I will give a sketch of the proof, which is done in physical space and which is based on recently proven Price’s law results in Kerr for the Teukolsky equation.
Thème de recherche :
Physique mathématique
Salle :
IRMA Salle 4